Category Archives: Alexander Technique

Alexander Technique And Beauty

Thinking about writing on this topic, I Googled “Alexander Technique and beauty” the other day and found no consequential results. Nobody that I can find has written on this topic. Call me shallow, but I not only prefer to look … Continue reading

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Escaping From Your Life

I’ve never done any kind of illegal drug. I’ve never smoked marijuana. I’ve never felt tempted to indulge this way. I’ve never led a dissolute life. While I’ve hung out with dissolute people at times, I’ve not participated in that … Continue reading

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How To Deal With Anxiety

Even though I keep telling my students I am not a therapist, some of them use me in that way. As we work with Alexander Technique, they find themselves releasing unneeded tension and at the same time releasing emotions. The … Continue reading

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How The Alexander Technique Can Help Musicians

Laura Klein is an Alexander Technique teacher and professional jazz musician in Berkeley, California. Laura tells Robert Rickover: “In a way, musicians and singers are athletes. We don’t think of ourselves as athletes, but we are athletes of small movements. … Continue reading

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The Strain Of Repeated Precise Movements

One in ten dentists according to a 1997 survey have such severe pain from repetitive work movements that they seek the help of a physician and about half of these curtail their work because of such pain. I’m listening to … Continue reading

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