Tag Archives: gentle person

When Rabbis Used To Slap Students

Marc Shapiro writes: Even though, as mentioned, teachers were never supposed to inflict real pain, I think it is fair to say that the physical punishments over the generations sometimes did get out of hand (see next note). I recall … Continue reading

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Behind Meir Kin’s Divorce

Lori Hoffman emails: Your Mar 5, 2009 page discusses something you apparently posted about Meir Kin not wanting to give his wife a get.  I can’t find your original post but I see Morris’s reply and want to add my … Continue reading

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Jerusalem’s Rabbi Mickey Rosen Has Died

He presided over the liberal Yakar synagogue. He was the primary teacher for Reb Mimi Feigelson of American Jewish University. Blog: I was deeply upset to hear a few minutes ago that Rabbi Meir (Mickey) Rosen passed away last night. … Continue reading

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