Tag Archives: chronic fatigue syndrome

Getting Laid Vs Getting Saved

As a teenager, I thought 1000 times more about getting laid than getting saved. I only came back to religion when I got Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in 1988. Complete video series here.

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My First Synagogue Home

I’d been to other synagogues, but Ohev Shalom in Orlando, Florida, was the first one I called home. I was a regular there during my eight months in town (from Aug. 1993 to March 1994). For most of that time, … Continue reading

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I Have A Nightmare That I’ve Become A Pack Rat

I’m not falling asleep until around 5 am these days. Then I have these vivid nightmares around 7 am. Today I dream that I’ve invited Rob Spallone over. He drops by and then goes to see a friend in the … Continue reading

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Start Me Up And I’ll Never Stop

My biggest daily struggle is with fatigue. I’m just exhausted most of the time and discouraged from 20 years of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. So to start myself up through the day, I have various tricks that work at times: Action … Continue reading

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My Bad Boy Days

Temp responds to this video: "How did girls react to being aggressively approached by you? Can you give some examples?" Oy ve! I went on Nardil in late 1993 and it helped me make a partial recovery from my Chronic … Continue reading

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