NYT: ‘The Culprits Behind White Flight’

I blame white racism.

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Hillary Clinton flew like a bird to the mostly White town of Chappaqua, New York.

Hillary Clinton supports White Flight for wealthy White people. Hillary Clinton thinks White people of modest means should live cheek by jowl with Blacks and Latinos.

Hillary Clinton is a baby boomer hypocrite globalizer.

* My grandparents moved to the suburbs after adjacent blocks went up in flames during the riots of the 60s.

* What’s interesting is that white people seem unafraid to move into West Harlem and Bed-Stuy now that the long nightmare of crime has come to an end. East New York, less so. Break the back of criminal behavior and most of the “racism” of avoiding black neighborhoods goes away. They’re actually pretty pleasant and interesting places then.

* If all races are equal than Black communities don’t need the presence of White next door neighbors in order to financially thrive.

* The hollowing out and destruction of every inner city in this country from Atlantic to Pacific that occurred as a direct result of the racial policies of the 1960s is the most important and yet the least understood occurrence certainly of the 20th Century and perhaps in all of American history. It has touched nearly every American life, and yet to question the wisdom and goodness of the deliberate public policies that created this incredible human tragedy is strictly verboten. What a world!

* Most white people have familiarity with black violence. In my case:
Grandfather: sent to hospital after being jumped by gang of blacks, lost hearing from head wounds.
Friend: jumped by gang of blacks while walking home one night and sent to hospital
Other friend: shot dead cold-blooded by black gunman

Proximity to violence will make people either want to fight back or leave. Fighting back is illegal.

* I have a friend who says the moment he and his wife decided to leave Jersey City was when they were stuck behind a black kid, maybe 4 or 5, riding a Big Wheel in the middle of the street and they beeped the horn. The kid gave them the finger and they both realized they were afraid to beep the horn again.

* When successful blacks choose to live in predominatly black, middle class suburban neighborhoods, what exactly are they fleeing?

Bad schools?
High crime rates?
Unkempt neighborhoods?
Social pathologies that may influence their kids?

What exactly are they seeking?

A sense of community?
Cultural identification with their neighbors?
Potential friends for themselves and their children with whom they can easily identify?

Aren’t people with some sense in their heads and some money in the bank generally pushed and pulled by the factors mentioned above?

“Segregation doesn’t necessarily speak to bias and discrimination in all cases,” says William Boone, political science professor at Clark Atlanta University. “Sometimes, people make a rational choice.”

* Not only are we driven out of the cities and neighborhoods that our parents lived in and that our ancestors built and not only can we never complain or even dare mention the reason but we are supposed to take the blame.

Similarly, tax dollars build public schools. Parents are involved in the school (PTA, etc.) and push their children to do well and be well-behaved. Blacks come in and are disruptive, violent, and cause academics to nosedive thus driving out whites to move to other school districts or private schools. None of this can ever be mentioned. However, whites are to blame for the achievement gap, failing schools, etc.

The pattern is: 1) the black population engages in outrageous behavior; 2) whites are not allowed to complain – ever; and 3) whites are obligated to grovel and have abused heaped upon them for crimes for which they are not only innocent but of which they are the victims.

* White flight and gentrification both – racist. You leave, you’re a racist. You return and try and make it nicer, you’re a racist. I suppose the only options left are: 1) you can return but can’t fix anything up; or, 2) handle it like the Mexicans in Compton did.

* You always see articles about how White flight financially hurts Black communities.

But you never see articles about how Black flight from San Francisco, California for example financially hurts White and Asian communities or how Black flight from Austin, Texas financially hurts White and Mexican communities.

Which goes to show you that Nonblack America gets by just fine without the Black purchasing power. The Black dollar is not needed in Nonblack America.

* More insight and wisdom from someone who wasn’t there. Twenty and early thirty-somethings know the world of the 60′s and 70′s better than those who lived through it.

Back in 1973, my parents moved us from a neighborhood that had no blacks to a neighborhood that was about 20% black . We went from an all white neighborhood that maybe had a few bullies who would push you around a little (on rare occasion) to a neighborhood that had armed home invasions that led to one of our next door neighbors being assaulted and robbed and another neighbor being raped and shot. All the violence was perpetrated by blacks. My dad regretted the decision to move there for decades. Shortly after he moved out (a little over five years ago) someone dumped a dead body (black) on his street about a block away. The cops say it was gang related. The 20% black neighborhood we had come too back in ’73 was 99% black by the time he moved.

That anecdotal experience can be multiplied by tens of millions of other Americans since the civil rights legislation of the 1960′s. Realtors in this part of the world called it “the donut hole” effect because it ate away the middle of cities. Parks that you could go to in the early 1960′s were no longer safe. Once thriving strip malls and retail complexes shriveled up and died. And then there were the riots of the 60′s. People didn’t move away so much because they were white but because they were parents. We even knew many liberal white Democrats who would move out of crappy changing neighborhoods. Nobody called them hypocrites back then because we empathized with their plight, and didn’t want them to subject their children to that kind of life.

If you look at the author’s videos on youtube, you can tell that she’s bi-racial easier from video than you can by looking at still photos, even though her kids look pretty white. The dad looks pretty Semitic. She’s been placed in her position of prominence mostly because the powers that be want people to see her as a model of what the rest of us are supposed to be.

* There’s a Ra’anan Boustan at UCLA. Is that her squeeze?

He moved from Minnesota when she started at UCLA in 2006—where, of course, they were listed as faculty affiliates of the Alan D. Leve Center for Jewish Studies.

* From the conservative side, it does seem like black voters are telling the Democrats, “We will fully support your policies, however destructive to black welfare they might be, as long as you implement them via black politicians.”

This cynical view does have weaknesses.

– The black middle class relies on governments for employment, not exclusively but more than other races. It makes sense for them to play for Team Government.

– You know how non-wealthy whites in decaying areas feel when they hear lectures about “white privilege”. Think how non-wealthy blacks feel about being told, “The source of all your problems is that your partially inbred extended family isn’t very smart or well behaved, and government shouldn’t do anything particular to help you.” Respect matters.

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Christian Europe, White colonies, and Jewish civic identity

Jefferson Schwartz writes:

This tradition continued with the formation of the next explicitly white identitarian nation, the Confederate States of America. The acceptance of Jews into the greater society was evident from the get-go. Famously, an open and professed Jewish Senator from Louisiana, Judah Benjamin, served first as the CSA Secretary of War then later as her Secretary of State. The biggest Jewish communities in America were located in the South, and Southern Rabbis authored some of the most beautiful prayers for the CSA. We have numerous correspondences between Confederate Jewish soldiers and their families expressing their love for cause and country. On Aug. 23, 1861, Rabbi Max Michelbacher of Richmond, who wrote a “Prayer for the Confederacy,” which was distributed to all Jewish Confederate soldiers, asked General Lee to grant a furlough for the Jewish soldiers to attend synagogue for the High Holy Days. Although Lee declined due to battlefield constraints, Lee responded that he felt “assured that neither you or any member of the Jewish congregation would wish to jeopardize a cause you have so much at heart.” In closing, he added: “That your prayers for the success and welfare of our Cause may be granted by the Great Ruler of the universe is my ardent wish.” Although the CSA was a short-lived nation, Jews were considered part of the white identity.

Some decades later, when Europeans took up the White Man’s burden in Africa, they established two nations, two gems: South Africa and Rhodesia. Both countries’ identities were clearly defined in racial terms. And while native Africans enjoyed far more sophisticated and capable governments as well as greater standards of living than other Africans, it was the White Man who controlled the countries’ destinies. Again, Jews were part of this order. Let us begin with South Africa.

During the years of World War II, when the Jews of continental Europe were trying to escape the Continent, there were fears in South Africa about letting them in. Prime Minister (PM) Daniel Malan, the first prime minister of the apartheid regime in South Africa in 1948, had argued that when the Jewish population became too large in a particular country, the potential for conflict would arise. He stressed that he was arguing in the best interests of Jews. Nevertheless, when the turmoil of war abated, the Jews who did live in South Africa enjoyed the fruits of the White regime, and enjoyed status equal to those of their European counterparts. Under Apartheid, (as well as today), South African Jews today were among the richest and most well connected in the country.

Rhodesia is a far less tumultuous story, and one where the connection between Jews and native Rhodesians was even closer. In 1957, the Rhodesian Board of Jewish Deputies reported that one of every seven marriages in Rhodesia are marriages between Jews and non-Jews, an alarming figure for both communities. And despite these high levels of assimilation, Jewish infrastructure (schools, synagogues, youth movements etc.) flourished. Sir Roy Welensky, a product of such intermarriage, served as the last PM of Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland (a federation that lasted between 1953 and 1963 before its dissolution, and the establishment of the independent countries of Zambia, Malawi, and Rhodesia). With the demise of the white government in both South Africa and Rhodesia, the Jewish community of course has suffered and has begun to dwindle. Many have since immigrated to Israel.

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Where do we find ourselves?

Reactionary Jew writes:

The West is in a state of political turmoil. Populist sentiments are rising all over Europe and the US. Different factions are competing for the vacuum left by the declining conservative movement. There are vague culprits to be blamed; unrestricted immigration, globalization, overtly interventionist foreign policy, urbanization, etc. Some voices in the mainstream would like to curb immigration, scale back foreign policy, and restrict trade. However, it must be pointed out that most of these people are still absolutely committed to liberalism in a classical sense – that is, citizenship and equality must still be respected as a fundamental norm, and “true racism” is not OK. These are the Paul Joseph Watsons of the world, who while railing against Black Lives Matter and Islam, and rejecting cultural relativism, still will not touch the third rail of civic racial egalitarianism.

This can be seen as the West clinging to its liberal traditions. Louis Hartz, an American Jew, argued that the US was influenced by Lockean liberalism so profoundly that it resisted the far more volatile political shifts of old Europe, such as fascism and communism. It is true that the US has generally been far more centrist than Europe, but in truth, it is much more than that.

Another faction, in contrast to the aforementioned, which is itself quite a broad coalition, challenges even this fundamental assumption of liberalism, and it is known as the “alt right.” If you are reading this, chances are that you don’t need an introduction to the movement.

The alt right, with its many disagreements and sub-factions, generally rejects equality, along with the modern liberal conception of what a nation is. They argue that peoplehood is fundamentally rooted in blood and identity, transcending some counterfeit civic construct like American citizenship.

I agree with this understanding. I was raised with a strong Jewish identity, and told that I was part of a larger nation that spanned all across the globe. My extended family of Jews was a much stronger source of identity and solidarity than American citizenship. I am much more tied by virtue of cosmic destiny to a Jew on the other side of the world than to a fellow countryman with whom I shared a spoken language and political system. It was strongly ingrained in me that the most important preservation beyond basic individual survival was of my traditions and people.

Until quite recently, this was a common understanding among white gentiles, implicitly if not explicitly. Mass nonwhite immigration as mandated state policy into Europe and the Anglosphere started only in the last century. Before this, Europe was so tribal that it had major wars even between different white ethnic groups going all the way back to antiquity. The US, despite all the popular myths of it as a nation founded on diversity, had an explicit white European identity (as can be found in the 1790s immigration law, the laws excluding nonwhites, and open discussion of race in immigration as late as 1924 by people like Madison Grant), and the founders’ views on race are no secret. This topic has been discussed to death elsewhere, and I don’t see the need to make the case for the obvious truth here as well.

Today, we are inundated with the message that race isn’t real, that diversity is a strength, and that immigration, cosmopolitan lifestyles, and mixing will lead to a harmonious and tolerant society that draws strength from its many different components. This plays on people’s sympathy, optimism, moral superiority complexes, and fascination for the other. This has led to European man handing over his society, resources, and culture on a silver platter to whomever will come and take it, with little mainstream backlash until recently. Whites are slowly waking up to their impending demographic destruction all over Europe and North America.

This represents a major political upheaval that will play out not only within the politics of Western countries, but it also represents a rebellion against the values held by the elites of international institutions, where the sacred dogmas of human rights and left-liberalism/Marxism (the latter two not necessarily interchangeable) are dominant.

The great irony is that third-world and developing nations utilize the European-derived concepts of human rights and racial egalitarianism that they themselves do not believe in, for their own ends, often against the West’s interests or at its expense. Meanwhile, in their own countries, they are not deluded about diversity the way whites are and do not enact the suicidal policies of the countries they exploit.

Jews have historically been at the forefront of moving the status quo towards the current egalitarian order, even long before it had disastrous consequences. The organic identity of Old Europe naturally excluded Jews as outsiders of disparate origin, and quite understandably so. Despite the existence of Jews who have genuinely felt patriotic and proud of their European host countries, along with Jews who wanted to remain separate in ghettos, many Jews who wanted to participate in gentile societies felt the need to push national identity towards concepts based more on principles and values, rather than ones based on blood that would exclude them.

Thus, Jews have developed the consciousness of a quintessential nonwhite outsider for whom nationalism and in-group European consciousness did not bode well, and have maintained that to this day. Beyond merely the expansion of civic identity, Jews and Jewish organizations have been disproportionately at the forefront of pushing massive nonwhite immigration and diversity in the West, and unseating the cultural particularism of white host countries. When asked why, often with very little introspection, they will usually cite their own historical experience as excluded outsiders as a reason to sympathize with other groups subject to the same problems. (Books could be spent discussing this topic in more detail, but for our purposes here, these two paragraphs will have to suffice.)

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Reactionary Jew: The JQ

Comments at Youtube:

* This is how deep the paranoia goes – a jew comes on to discuss the JQ, and is disliked and harassed in the comments section. He literally agrees with 90% of Alt-Right thought and you fucking autistic hitler worshippers can’t handle a self-aware sympathetic jew.

If your contribution is nothing more than vitriol, you should not contribute. Fume in your basement but stop making the alt-right in general look bad. Our entire race is dying off and it’s going to take much more diplomacy and intelligence than ‘the entire rat-like race of lying scammers needs to be exterminated’ and other shit like that.

* She’s white, guys. End of story. If you want to discredit her, that’s your prerogative, but she is very bold about publicly discussing topics that most of us only discuss from anonymous internet profiles.


Transfer is the most humane solution (and some clarifications)

Transfer or repatriation is seen as the most evil thing one could propose. I advocated just that on a recent interview, but I did not qualify it enough. It’s not an inherent problem to have minorities in one’s country. We have minorities in Israel who are loyal and even proud to belong to their host nation, such as the Druze and Bahai. I have no intention of kicking them out. There is even a segment of Israeli Arabs who feel some level of allegiance to their host country, and varying allowances and arrangements can be made on a case-by-case basis, for Christians, who don’t have an inherent theological conflict with us, and also for Muslims who are willing to put aside national aspirations. There is no need to expel every last one.

Countries don’t have to be 100% homogenous. The Jewish religion also makes allowances for friendly minorities who lives among Jews, and commands us to treat them with respect and kindness (ger toshav). However, this cannot apply to someone who is openly hostile to his hosts, feels some national claim to our land, and is willing to use diplomatic or violent means to dispossess us or display aggression, or to someone who is willing to stand in solidarity with those who do. In that case, they are enemy combatants, and have openly identified as such. Realistically, most Arabs in the West Bank and Gaza, along with many Israeli citizens, fall under this category, and we would be doing them and us a favor by resettling them rather than the conventional course of action against a wartime enemy population.

Ben Shapiro, of all people, made a similar case based on the morality of continued proximity of hostile populations leading to more violence and bloodshed in the long run. (He makes a good case, but I don’t think he realizes the parallels with European countries where migrant populations commit terrorism, gang rapes, and cause unrest.)

If Jews are allowed to resettle Palestinians across the Jordan River (or somewhere else in the region), there is no moral reason that the British, French, or Germans should not be able to do the same for the minorities in their countries. The analogues vary merely in details and degree. No one wants a violent and hostile outgroup living among them, and there is no reason they should be forced to tolerate it against their own interests, when there are safe and peaceful options on the table.

Daniel Friberg made the case in a European context, that transfer can be done in an ethical, humane way, with a peaceful five step program, involving incentives, handling crime, working with other governments, etc. Obviously, this would have to be adjusted for a situation like Israel, and may vary on a case-by-case basis depending on the European country and its immigrant population, but the point remains that this does not have to be done by killing people.

The primary obstacle, by far, above all else is political will of the dominant majority. If every white British or Swedish person woke up tomorrow and said, “these people have to go,” the how part would be very easy. However, the left in both Israel and Western Europe will fight to the death not to let it happen. By doing so, they are setting the stage for violence and conflict far worse than what they hope to prevent in the short term by thwarting these attempts. Western Europe has the potential to descend into civil war, and cities with major immigrant populations are already hotbeds of ethnic strife and street violence, where native Europeans are either not welcome, or fear for their safety.

This is one area where I see real potential for international collaboration with European nationalists. Kevin MacDonald has called for a similar deal between the Israeli and European far right.

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He’s Jewish And He’s Proud

Kevin Shenkman is a key member of the Coalition of the Fringe vs the white Christian core of this country.

If this Jewish guy loves diversity so much, why doesn’t he live on Martin Luther King Blvd? Why does he live in Malibu? He chooses to live among white people but wants everyone else to suffer from diversity.

Los Angeles Times:

Shenkman first came to my attention last week because he was the subject of a meandering profile on the Breitbart website, “the platform for the alt-right,” as its former executive chairman Steve Bannon so memorably described it. I like to read Breitbart to keep an eye on how the far right filters the news.

I got a chuckle out of the original headline, which has since been changed: “Meet the Malibu Lawyer Playing the Race Card — and Making Millions — All Over California.”

With loaded language like that, imagine my surprise when the first paragraph praised Shenkman as “one of the most prolific and successful civil rights lawyers of his generation.”

Of course, this being Breitbart, there was also a line about how some consider Shenkman “a villain, a do-gooder from Malibu who is creating racial divisions where they do not exist.”

Shenkman, a father of four girls, said he didn’t mind the story but was taken aback by some of the anti-Semitic comments from Breitbart readers. “I’m Jewish,” he said, “and there were a number of comments like, ‘Look at his last name, that explains it all.’”

When it comes to civil rights activists, this kind of garbage goes with the territory.

Why is it garbage to notice patterns that Jews in the diaspora tend to side with the Coalition of the Fringe?

From Breitbart:

Kevin Shenkman: Ending Democracy as We Know It in Southern California?

Kevin Shenkman could be described as one of the most prolific and successful civil rights lawyers of his generation, after almost single-handedly pushing dozens of Southern California communities to change their election systems under the California Voting Rights Act of 2001 (CVRA) over the past few years.
To many in those communities, however, Shenkman is a villain, a do-gooder from Malibu who is creating racial divisions where they do not exist — and making millions in the process.

He is, according to local podcaster Stephen Daniels, “the most hated man in Santa Clarita.” And he is “hated” there — and elsewhere — because he wins.

Shenkman scored his latest victory last Wednesday evening, when the Oceanside City Council voted 3-2 to approve a proposal to move from an at-large system, where every council member is elected by the voters as a whole, to a district system, where voters are only represented directly by one member, from a particular geographic area.

The change was prompted by a March 22 letter from Shenkman, claiming that the city’s at-large system prevented minority groups from winning elections, and warning of a lawsuit to follow.

Residents of Oceanside were shocked, and angry, at the charge. The city has had several Latino council members, including one who has served on the council for the last 16 years. It also recently had an African-American mayor…

Shenkman’s path to law, and voting rights, are rather unconventional. Today, he lives in Malibu, one of the wealthiest communities in the state, whose population is over 90% white. But as he told the Talk of Santa Clarita podcast in January, he grew up in the Detroit area. There, he said, he was a “bad kid,” committing “the occasional little criminal misdemeanor kinda thing, maybe the occasional felony that I never got caught for.” He had “some interaction with the justice system,” and formed a bond with his attorney, who inspired him to pursue a legal career.

Shenkman graduated from Rice University with a B.S. in mechanical engineering (which he describes as “completely useless”), and went to Columbia Law School. He is married, with four daughters. He told Talk of Santa Clarita that if he were still practicing patent law, “I would have shot myself by now,” calling it “mind-numbingly boring.”

Shenkman’s Facebook profile photo is an image of a giant metal fist: the Joe Louis monument in Detroit, Michigan. (His cover photo is the same image: “Fuck your FB rules,” he explains in a comment to a relative.) His timeline features a photograph of Trayvon Martin, the black teenager who was killed while fighting neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman in Florida in 2012, who was later acquitted. He is a Democrat, and gave $1375 to the Los Angeles County Democratic Central Committee in 2014, according to the Federal Elections Commission. He has also contributed to Democrats at the state and local levels, according to the California Secretary of State.

The public record also suggests that Shenkman has had a colorful career as a plaintiff’s attorney, filing class action suits on behalf of consumers — and sometimes acting as the plaintiff himself.

Currently, Shenkman and his law partner are plaintiffs in a class action suit filed last year against AutoZone, claiming that the auto parts dealer had not informed them that it was changing its rewards program so that a $20 credit on purchases over $20 would expire after one year. In 2014, he represented consumers in successful class action claims against restaurant chains that falsely advertised Kobe beef during a period when Japanese beef imports were banned.

In 2011, Shenkman personally filed a consumer class action suit against Chipotle Mexican Grill, claiming that employees had misled him into believing the restaurant’s pinto beans were vegetarian, when they are actually made with bacon. In his lawsuit, he cited his vegetarianism and Jewish faith (though Jewish dietary laws, which require that food be certified kosher by a rabbi, would not have permitted him to eat at Chipotle at all). That case was dismissed in 2015, more than four years later, according to court documents. He also reportedly sued the Chinese fast-food chain Panda Express, claiming it failed to disclose that it adds chicken powder to its vegetarian entrees.

That same year, he was the plaintiff — identified as an “avid runner” in media reports — in class action suits filed against coconut water companies Vita Coco and One World Enterprises, claiming they had exaggerated the hydration benefits of their products. Both cases were dismissed; court documents indicate that he accepted a token settlement of $2,000 in the Vida Coco case as part of a related nationwide class action settlement.

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