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Coachella Valley Doctor Pleads Guilty in Multi-Million Dollar Scheme that Duped Insurance Companies into Paying for Cosmetic Surgeries

Dr. David Morrow Also Pleads Guilty to Tax Fraud and Admits Failing to Report more than $1.6 in Income to Internal Revenue Service

SANTA ANA, California – A Rancho Mirage cosmetic surgeon pleaded guilty this morning in a scheme to defraud health insurance companies by submitting bills for more than $3.4 million for procedures that he claimed were “medically necessary” – but in fact were cosmetic procedures such as “tummy tucks,” “nose jobs” and breast augmentations.

Dr. David M. Morrow, 71, of Rancho Mirage, a cosmetic surgeon and dermatologist who was the owner of the Morrow Institute (TMI) in Rancho Mirage, pleaded guilty today to one count of conspiracy to commit mail fraud.

In a plea agreement filed in United States District Court, Morrow admitted that he participated in a scheme to obtain money from insurance companies by false or fraudulent pretenses, which included submitting altered documents to the insurance companies. Morrow admitted that cosmetic surgeries were billed to insurance companies under the pretense that the procedures were “medically necessary” so that insurers would pay for them.

“Insurance companies provide a valuable service by providing financial support in a time of medical need – they are not designed to dispense cash to unscrupulous medical providers,” said United States Attorney Eileen M. Decker. “Medical professionals who defraud an insurance provider hurt every person who is forced to pay higher premiums.”

Morrow also pleaded guilty today to one count of filing a false tax return for 2008. Today, Morrow admitted that he failed to report to more than $100,000 of income on his 2008 tax return and more than $1.5 million on his 2009 tax return.

“Today’s guilty plea by Dr. Morrow is an important victory for America’s taxpayers who play by the rules and have no tolerance for those who make up their own rules,” stated Anthony J. Orlando, the Acting Special Agent in Charge of IRS Criminal Investigation in Los Angeles. “This investigation and subsequent conviction serve to remind the public that there is no such thing as free money and there are no awards or incentives for creativity when it comes to medical billing and tax fraud.”

Morrow, his wife, and TMI were charged in this case last fall when a federal grand jury returned a 27-count indictment that outlined a scheme in which patients were lured to the Coachella Valley surgery center with promises that cosmetic procedures would be paid for by their union or PPO health insurance plans. The victim health insurance companies included Anthem Blue Cross, Blue Cross/Blue Shield of California, Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Massachusetts, Regional Employer/Employee Partnership for Benefits, formerly known as Riverside Employer/Employee Partnership (REEP), and Cigna.

Morrow pleaded guilty today to a conspiracy count in the indictment that outlined how insured patients were lured to TMI with promises that they could receive free or discounted cosmetic surgeries that would be paid largely or completely by their insurance plans. Morrow and his wife told patients that they could receive the free or discounted cosmetic procedures if they first underwent multiple procedures that could be billed to insurance, according to the indictment.

To trick insurance companies into paying for the cosmetic procedures, Morrow and others at TMI completely fabricated diagnoses – such as a “hernia” – in the patients’ official medical records. According to the indictment, they also fabricated test results and symptoms on medical records to cover up the actual medical procedures being performed – tummy tucks were fraudulently billed as hernia repair or abdominal reconstruction surgeries, rhinoplasties (“nose jobs”) were fraudulently billed as deviated septum repair surgeries, and breast lifts and augmentations were fraudulently billed as “tuberous breast deformity.” A document filed as part of Morrow’s plea agreement shows that TMI billed insurance as much as $150,750 for a single cosmetic procedure.

Morrow altered existing medical records after the fact to conceal that cosmetic surgery had actually been performed. Morrow admitted in the plea agreement and in court today that on one patient’s medical record sent to an insurance company, he covered up the original text of “Abdominoplasty” (tummy tuck) written in the procedure section and handwrote “umbilical & ventral hernias” on top of it.

“Dr. Morrow enriched himself by cheating policy holders and victim companies whose employees and ability to continue operating were placed in jeopardy as a result of this fraud,” said David Bowdich, the Assistant Director in Charge of the FBI’s Los Angeles Field Office. “The FBI devotes many resources to combating health care fraud and seeking justice for victims who can suffer a variety of consequences beyond financial loss.”

As a result of today’s guilty pleas, Morrow faces a statutory maximum sentence of 20 years of in federal prison for the conspiracy count and three years of imprisonment for filing the false tax return. Morrow is scheduled to be sentenced by United States District Judge Josephine L. Staton on September 23.

Morrow has also agreed to pay full restitution to the victims.

Charges against Morrow’s wife, Linda Morrow, 63, are currently pending.

This investigation into Morrow and TMI was conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, IRS Criminal Investigation, and the California Department of Insurance.

Comments at a blog:

Morrow sent out a 4 page “apology” letter on Feb 14 to local doctors. I have never seen a more self-aggrandizing, self-promoting, blame someone else piece of crap. He tries to minimize his culpability, he says (and adds an extensive bibliography) that he acted this way because he took steroid eyedrops in 2005 for some eye surgery he had. The surgery caused PTSD and the eyedrops caused impaired judgement and excessive risk taking.

The eye doctor never told him this was a side effect, but now he knows this is why he did illegal things. He also says in fact another doctor was the one who did the cosmetic surgeries and that he “manipulated” the bills as did the other doctor. He says Linda did nothing wrong and was “unjustly indicted.”

He whines that he was “kicked out” of his bank and that now that he is a felon he cannot have a financial account or even sign a check.

He says the government is recommending 5-7 years in prison which he fears will be a death sentence due to his age (72) and “increasingly fragile health.” He hopes the court will have mercy and leniency with him.

He includes several religious tid bits on how he is now a changed man and is forgiven by God. He adds that he is now volunteering his time as a dermatologist. He finishes by exhorting other physicians to never “fudge” medical records, and to be sure to warn patients about the dangers of eye drops.

It is a blatant attempt to try to shift blame and lessen his culpability – probably in hopes the sentencing judge will feel sorry for him. For those of us who know him, its yet another example of who the man is.

PS – Since his criminal behavior was due to eye drops in 2005, I wonder what the reason was in all the years before that? He was banned from Medicare for many years for basically the same thing going back many years before eye drops ruined his life.


Here are five takeaways:

1. Dr. Morrow pled guilty to billing payers for tummy tucks, nose jobs and breast enlargement, claiming the procedures were medically necessary.

2. The U.S. Attorney’s Office alleges the surgeon submitted bills for more than $3.4 million. Dr. Morrow admitted to failing to report more than $100,000 of income on a tax return and more than $1.5 million on his 2009 tax return.

3. Several of the victimized payers include Anthem Blue Cross, Blue Cross/Blue Shield of California, Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Massachusetts, Regional Employer/Employee Partnership for Benefits and Cigna.

4. Dr. Morrow and others billed one payer more than $150,000 for a single procedure.

5. Dr. Morrow faces a maximum sentence of 20 years in federal prison for his guilty plea to one count of conspiracy to commit mail fraud and three years for filing the false tax return. On September 23, the United States District Judge Josephine L. Staton is scheduled to sentence Dr. Morrow.

See also the travails of poet scholar Dr. Gershon Hepner.

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Parshat Behar-Bechukotai (Leviticus 25:1-27:34)

We are concluding the book of Leviticus with Torah portions Behar and Bechukotai. Listen here.

* Today is Lag B’Omer. Wikipedia: “While the Counting of the Omer is a semi-mourning period, all restrictions of mourning are lifted on this 33rd day of the Omer. As a result, weddings, parties, listening to music, and haircuts are commonly scheduled to coincide with this day among Ashkenazi Jews. Families go on picnics and outings. Children go out to the fields with their teachers with bows and rubber-tipped arrows. Tachanun, the prayer for special Divine mercy on one’s behalf is not said, because when God is showing one a “smiling face,” so to speak, as He does especially on the holidays, there is no need to ask for special mercy.”

* Jewish New York Times columnist David Brooks has married his former researcher. From CJR: “Brooks reveals little of his personal life, either in columns, books, or interviews. He threads Christian theology through his recent work, yet won’t say whether he has converted to anything (though he’ll say vaguely that he’s integrating with a new religious community). He is divorced from his wife of 27 years, Sarah, but doesn’t explain what role that break up, or the reasons for it, played in his moral awakening.”

* You will notice all these glowing Christian sermons about Anne Snyder exerting her Christian influence over the Jew David Brooks. You rarely hear Jews boasting about Jewish influence. Jews try to wield their influence quietly. When Joe Biden talked about Jewish influence on American culture, it was not something that Jews tend to do. If Anne were Jewish and David Christian, you would not have Jewish sermons boasting about Anne exerting her Jewish influence. We don’t think about Christians having Jewish secretaries (even though it happens). We think of Jews as bosses with non-Jews as humble secretaries. Jews don’t like to work for people.

* Can you imagine implementing these laws in a diverse society? The result would be chaos. The Torah state only contains Jews as citizens. Torah makes no room for non-Jews to be citizens in Israel.

* These Torah portions say that a Jew cannot become a slave to his fellow Jew and can’t be sold to gentiles. I wonder how non-Jewish slaves affected Israel? Did they revolt? Commit lots of crime?

* July 15, 2011:

A white fisherman, weary of growing competition from Vietnamese immigrants, had invited the Texas Knights of the Ku Klux Klan to Seabrook, Texas. With a new shrimping season on the horizon, the Vietnamese shrimpers and the Klan appeared to be on a collision course.

But 30 years ago today, a Southern Poverty Law Center lawsuit put a stop to the terror campaign when a judge issued a preliminary injunction that stopped the Klan’s activities and led to a further order that shut down its paramilitary training bases. It was a significant victory for the SPLC – but more so for immigrants pursing the American dream.

“The hard-working Vietnamese fishermen came here looking for a better life after the Vietnam War, an opportunity to pursue the American dream like generations of immigrants who came before them,” said SPLC Founder Morris Dees. “And they were terrorized by white supremacists who objected to their presence.”

You can’t expect nomads to have the same respect for the land as blood and soil types.


The miners, traipsing single file along a plank walkway, descend a gentle grade into the tunnel for nearly half a mile before reaching their destination: a 400-foot-long, 1,000-ton earth-chewing beast, known as the tunnel boring machine.

Sometimes called moles, sometimes sandhogs, the men — there are no women on this shift — belong to a tight confederacy. They can see themselves doing little else for a living. They like being left alone to do their job. They like the variety of challenges, the on-the-spot repairs. They like the community.

“There are no bad people down here,” said one miner. “We would throw them out if there were.”

Why can’t above-group communities do this as well? Religious communities can do this, but explicitly racial communities are illegal.

* The Jubilee laws are utopian laws. We don’t have much evidence that they were practiced, while the Shmita (Sabbatical) laws were practiced and still are in Israel.

* Greg Johnson says 68 minutes in: “Americans don’t get European identity. Americans are people who left Europe because they were religious fanatics or economic men. They were rootless, they were willing to root themselves up, cross an ocean, risk their lives to get away and start a new life. That selects for rootlessness. We don’t fight for our freedom, we run away for our freedom. We avoid conflicts.

“Europe is dominated by the people who didn’t leave. We don’t understand them because they have a stronger sense of rootedness and identity. When you go to Europe, you will hear ordinary Europeans complain about foreigners in ways that are astonishing to Americans, and the number of foreigners they are dealing with is comparatively small.”

“The level of ethnocentrism among Europeans is much higher than in the United States and their willingness to complain and to act is much higher. I can envision the United States becoming majority non-white, a Brazil… because of the unique rootlessness, shiftlessness and individualism and lack of identity and gravitas and seriousness in the American character. Europeans don’t have those problems to the degree Americans do. They are reacting more soon and more intensely to the ethnic displacement than Americans are. I don’t think there will be European countries that will become majority non-white and Muslim. The question is how that won’t happen. When you are fighting for survival, that licenses you to do anything to resist.”

* Tonga practiced laws similar to Leviticus 25. Jacob Milgrom: “To be sure, this island paradise is so far unaffected by racial or religious conflict…” Yeah, the island is 97% Tongan (along with 1.7% Euronesians, 1.0% European, and 1.0% East Asian). No diversity of races means no racial conflict. If America had the same racial homogeneity as Tonga, it too would have no racial conflict. When you see white towns in Middle America, they too lack racial conflict.

* Milgrom: “…countries employing some of the Jubilee provisions have experienced spectacular economic growth…” Examples: South Korea, Taiwan. Was it the Jubilee laws or was it the natural genius and industriousness of the people or both? If sub-saharan Africa implemented some version of the Jubilee laws, would it become prosperous? I doubt it. Israel brought in 120,000 Ethiopians and they continue to behave more like Ethiopians than Ashkenazi Jews. They have more in common with other blacks than with Israel’s Jews.

* Milgrom on Lev. 25:42: “Implied is that Israel owes no obligation to any other power but God.”

* Lev. 26:3. “If you will follow My decrees and observe My commandments, then I will provide your rains in their time…” The land of Israel demands a certain level of holiness and if that is not sustained, the land will vomit out its inhabitants. This approach is infinitely flexible. If you get vomited out of the land, you can always find fault in how your people failed to observe God’s Torah. This approach says your destiny is in your hands. This is the approach of faith. Faith sustains the individual and the community, but it gets in the way when you try to analyze the world because faith is highly subjective. By contrast, observing that the world consists of different groups with different interests needs no faith. You can then see reality and you can see group conflicts but it is not as comforting as looking through the world with the lens of faith.

It wasn’t Jews with faith, by and large, who established the modern state of Israel, it was the Jews without faith. The Jews with faith were content to wait for the Messiah to recreate the Jewish state.

* Lev. 26:42: “I will remember my covenant with Jacob and also My covenant with Isaac, and also My covenant with Abraham, and I will remember the Land.” This is God’s promise to the patriarchs of blood and soil, land and seed. Blood and soil is not an originally German concept.

Wikipedia: “Blood and Soil (German: Blut und Boden) refers to an ideology that focuses on ethnicity based on two factors, descent blood (of a folk) and territory. It celebrates the relationship of a people to the land they occupy and cultivate, and it places a high value on the virtues of rural living.”

Artscroll commentary: “Eretz Yisrael has a special status because of the holiness that does not permit it to tolerate sinners in its midst. Therefore, when Israel repents and becomes worthy of redemption, God remembers the Land by not allowing gentiles to remain on it.”

This sounds similar to what white nationalists want — states for whites only.

* Lev. 26:43:44: Milgrom: “Not only does Israel have to repent of its sins and thereby motivate God to recall his covenants, but it also has to atone to the land for neglecting its sabbaticals. It is almost as if there are two independent agencies requiring reparation — God and the land.”

This reminds me of 12-step work. Step 1-3, 11-12 are about restoring your relationship to God and to your self, while steps 4-10 are about restoring your relationship with other people. Both are necessary for recovery.

Artscroll: “Meshech Chochmah…Then why are they [Jews] exiled [from gentile lands]? Because sometimes this is the only way to prevent them from becoming so assimilated that they disappear as a nation.”

* Lev. 27:1-8. Different valuations for men and women and for different ages. Women, on average, consume as many government services as they pay for in tax. Men by contrast pay far more tax than they consume in government services.

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N.J. man on PCP busted masturbating in van in Lincoln Tunnel

News: The Lincoln Tunnel became the tunnel of self-love when a man high on PCP blocked traffic with his minivan to take time to pleasure himself, officials said Friday.

Port Authority police busted Ismael Esquilin, 48, of Passaic, N.J., about 7:15 p.m. Thursday when his Dodge minivan was found stopped in the middle of the New Jersey-bound side of the Hudson River tunnel, holding up traffic.

When cops approached the car, they found Esquilin removing his clothes and “performing a lewd act,” Port Authority spokesman Joe Pentangelo said. The idling minivan was running and the keys were in the ignition, officials said.

Cops also found a glass pipe and small glass bottles containing PCP on the passenger seat floor.

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Jews made America great so ‘we deserve our influence’ on Israel policy, Dershowitz tells Scarsdale synagogue

From Mondoweiss:

Alan Dershowitz gave a pep talk on Jewish influence to an orthodox audience in Scarsdale Tuesday night. It was his crowd, and he really is a rock star. The suburban lanes were filled with cars and older yarmulke-wearing Jews streaming toward the synagogue like Woodstock. We were half a million strong! Four hundred anyway, but Jews punch above their weight.

That was Dershowitz’s theme: We earned our influence in this country by contributing more to its success than others– so now use your influence!

Dershowitz held forth for 50 minutes before he had to sign books and head to CNN. The crowd was on their feet at beginning and end. Dershowitz started out with self-effacing humor. At his yeshiva in Brooklyn he was a terrible student. The head of the school said Dershowitz, what are we going to do with you. You have to find a job where you don’t have to think and you just run your mouth. You could be a lawyer. Or a conservative rabbi. The man couldn’t even say the word Reform, Dershowitz said. By his last year he was suing the school (for an arbitrary rule on who could apply for NY state scholarships; he won).

The news. Trump has a better chance of getting peace in the Middle East than Obama; Dershowitz got into the Israel defense racket because of Noam Chomsky; it’s getting harder and harder to defend Israel and Dershowitz is now blacklisted at campuses; Israel’s second and third-rate academics come to the U.S. and Europe to get jobs and sell themselves as anti-Zionist because people will hire a talking dog; Bernie Sanders is strange; the dissident human rights group Breaking the Silence is a small bunch of malcontents who lie about the Israeli army; and Jews should use Jewish power, from intellectual to financial, to punish those who criticize Israel.

The best quotes are about outsize Jewish influence and how we’re entitled to it because we made America great. #8 and #11 below. “We have to hit them in the pocketbook. Don’t ever ever be embarrassed about using Jewish power.”

1. It’s getting harder to support Israel.

Dershowitz didn’t start out as Israel’s lawyer, but then the left turned on Israel after the Six Day War. Early on, the left loved Israel because the Soviet Union was its supporter. Only Republicans didn’t like Israel, the State Department, Eisenhower, the oil men.

Israel was very easy to defend. Boy have things changed dramatically over the last 50 years…. The two people who got me engaged really deeply were the Reverend Daniel Berrigan– he was an unbelievable anti-Semite, a real bigot, he called Israel a criminal community of Jews, he said that Jews had to choose between supporting Israel and supporting civil liberties, he was an evil evil man [Read this to see the real Berrigan]–

And Noam Chomsky. I had befriended him, I had worked with him against the Vietnam war. And suddenly he’s turning against Israel. When the far left turned against Israel,
I would become… somebody who could make the liberal case for Israel. That has become harder and harder to do. The demographics are clear. Republicans now support Israel much more strongly than Democrats.

Dersh said Chomsky had been his camp counselor at Jewish camp as a boy.

2. The importance of the Israel lobby.

Israel must always remain a bipartisan issue. We never want to see Israel become a referendum issue in an election. Why? We could lose! … Who could have predicted the outcome of the last election. You can’t put all your eggs in one basket.

Republican Jews have to keep the Buchanans out of that party, and Democrats have to defeat the Bernie Sanderses and Keith Ellisons. As for Ellison, “He thinks I’m the one who defeated his candidacy [for party chair]. I hope he’s right.” I wonder if that is true, or Dershowitzian BS.

3. Bernie Sanders.

The other day on al Jazeera Sanders made a strong case of defense for Israel. Sanders is a strange guy. It’s very hard to figure out what his politics are… He’s a decent man. His support for Israel is not deep and it’s opportunistic sometimes.

4. Third rate Israeli academics are flooding the world with anti-Zionism.

Some of the strongest anti Israel people at every university are Jews, and some of the most virulent and anti-Israel are Jewish Israelis.

It’s much harder to become a professor in Israel than in the U.S. because there are countless topflight minds over there, so a lot of the academics in Israel try to get jobs in Oslo, Poland, Paris, the midwest.

How do you get a job? How do you distinguish yourself? You become a talking dog. “The dog can talk?–oh we’ll hire any dog who can talk!” You become an Israel who is a virulent anti-Zionist. “That’s interesting! An Israeli who’s a virulent anti Zionist. That’s somebody to hire!” And so many of the second and third rate professors from Israel that come to American universities come as anti-Zionists.

The worst departments are Jewish and Israeli Studies. These are hotbeds of disaffected Israeli anti-Zionists, making “problems,” preaching against Israel.

That’s why Sheldon Adelson my dear friend, won’t fund professorships in Jewish studies.

5. Breaking the Silence are liars.

These are a couple of dozen hard left Israelis who went into the army reluctantly, picketed Israel when they were in the army, now come out of the army just lying through their teeth. Go on Youtube and you see a tape of members of Breaking the Silence lying and others… pointing out the lies.

This is very difficult. Facing Jews and Israelis who are so anti Israel that the students give them a lot of credibility and believe them. It’s a real tragedy.

6. Israel is superior.

There is no country in the world that has contributed more to the humanity in the first 69 years of its existence than the state of Israel. The world should be applauding Yom Ha’atzmaut, Israel’s birthday, instead of regarding it as Nakma– Nakba, which the Palestinians inflicted on themselves by not accepting [partition].

7. Dershowitz is blacklisted for honorary degrees and commencement speeches.

It used to be that he got an honorary degree “at every major university and I spoke at every major graduation.”

Today no major university will have me speak at a graduation because I’m too pro Israel. That includes Brandeis.

Brandeis withdrew an invitation under pressure a few years ago and said, Don’t worry we’ll invite you back in a year or two, but it never happened. Dershowitz has lost out to that talking dog!

If you’re anti Israel again you’re like the talking dog and everybody wants you.

8. Jews need to use their financial power to punish Israel’s critics.

“If you divest from Israel, we divest from you,” Jews need to tell schools. So far, no university has ever divested from Israel.

That has to remain the rule. Anyone that does has to be treated with economic consequences. We have to hit them in the pocketbook. Don’t ever ever be embarrassed about using Jewish power. Jewish power, whether it be intellectual, academic, economic, political– in the interest of justice is the right thing to do.

Don’t listen to me, listen to God, Dershowitz said. Jews say a prayer that only after the Jewish people have strength will they get peace. And we are “entitled” to the power we have in the U.S.

People write a book called the Israel lobby and complain that AIPAC is one of the most powerful lobbies in Washington. My response to that is, that’s not good enough. We should be the most powerful lobby in Washington….

We are entitled to use our power. We have contributed disproportionately to the success of this country. We have done so much for this country. When you think of how much better this country has become since our grandparents and great grandparents took the risk of coming, here, we have not only the right we have the obligation to speak out, and use every piece, every bit of power available in support of Israel.

9. Trump has a better shot at peace than Obama because he’s got Israel’s back.

I’m not encouraged that we will see a full blown peace break out suddenly, but I do think the Trump administration is going to have better possibilities of peace than the Obama administration.

Dennis Ross explained it: when Israel knows it has America’s support, it takes risks for peace.

Obama got nothing because he deserved it…. I’m not encouraged but I do think this administration has a chance to bring the two sides closer together and to produce some tangible results.

10. Israel must stay “superior.”

I’m a very strong believer that peace should be tried as an option. We should try every option of peace before we have to resort to other forces, but the only way peace will be achieved, is if Israel remains qualitatively superior to all– all– its neighboring countries.

11. Here’s the finale. More Jewish influence.

Look, we are the most affluent successful generation of Jews anywhere in the world, that’s the good news. This is the best of times. It’s also the most dangerous of times…

I’m very encouraged about the future of Israel and strength of Israel. I’m very encouraged about the future of the American Jewish community. We are a very influential community. We deserve our influence. I hope all of you will participate in this great period of Jewish American, Jewish Israeli life, you have so much to contribute. Use what you’ve earned, use your influence to support Israel and support Jewish values.

Standing O. The orthodox pour out into the streets. It’s dark now in Scarsdale, but there’s throbbing thrilling Jewish pollen in the air.

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