Jewish Brain Surgeon Arrested For Sex Crimes


SANTA CRUZ, Calif. — A Santa Cruz nurse and neurosurgeon were arrested by the Watsonville Police Department on suspicion of sexually abusing children, including a victim who is less than 10 years old.

James Kohut, 57, was a longtime neurosurgeon in Santa Cruz at Sutter Maternity and Surgery Center, as well as Dominican Hospital.

He was arrested Sunday on suspicion of oral copulation with a minor, and forcing lewd acts on a minor. Kohut was arrested at his house on 4th Avenue in Santa Cruz, and was booked into jail without chance of bail.

…Kohut’s career has a few black eyes. He was disciplined and sanctioned in 2006 by the state medical board for “quality care issues,” according to state records.

One of those “issues” was that Kohut was caught downloading and viewing pornography while at work, according to the state board. He was employed as a neurosurgeon at University Medical Center at the time.

“(Kohut) viewed adult pornographic web sites and downloaded pornography during work hours on UMC computers during the the period of 2002 through Feb. 2003,” the state board wrote.

A second cause for discipline was a botched brain surgery Kohut performed in 2002, according to the board. An x-ray showed that a 36-year-old man had an aneurysm on the left side of his head, and Kohut erroneously attempted to surgically remove the aneurysm on the right side.

Kohut left Palo Alto Medical Foundation last year to take a job with Sparks Health System in Arkansas. An open house meet-and-greet with Kohut at Sparks Orthopedic and Spine Unit was scheduled for June 9.

A press release was issued by Sparks Health System spokeswoman Alicia Agent on May 10 — just four days before he was arrested in Santa Cruz — announcing Kohut’s arrival.

“We are very excited to welcome Dr. Kohut and his wife Karen to Sparks. As many of you know, he will provide a much needed service to this area. As a neurosurgeon, Dr. Kohut provides treatment for patients suffering from neck, back, arm or sciatic nerve pain,” Agent wrote.

“I had the pleasure of interviewing our new neurosurgeon a couple weeks ago and he left me with some great advice: ‘Always take the dreams of children seriously, because sometimes they come true,'” Agent wrote.

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Estimating IQ with a Brain Scan

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* I’m having a hard time penetrating the science jargon, but let me take a guess at what it means. Synaptic networks comprising the human brain make up a fractal pattern. The more space filling that pattern, the smarter you are. In other words, tissue density of the brain is important to IQ just as brain size is important.

Think of your brain as a suitcase you’ve packed for trip. If the shirts are carefully rolled and the pants neatly folded, you’re going to get more things into your suitcase. It’s also going to be easier to find things, which is why highly intelligent people show lower levels of cortical activity to perform any given task.

* Exactly. They use density of connections rather than tissue density but the idea is as you wrote. There have been other MRI studies on Alzheimer’s detection where they literally use the fractal dimension as the estimate of brain health. As people lose the connections the dimension decreases.

In this study, the estimate of 40% IQ variance “explained” by the brain scans is a lower bound. They used a simple model where every additional connection per node in the network gives the same gain in IQ. More realistic models would be used if IQ modeling were the goal. Even with basic methods of using what they had measured, not only did they hit 40%, but their predictions went beyond the total IQ test score to capture some information from the subtests, such as performance on vocabulary vs matrix questions (the visual logic puzzles).

* I’m in the field, and studies like that, involving scans of multiple cohorts of humans and monkeys, behavioral and genetic tests, diffusion tractography etc. are an enormous undertaking. You have to include folks who made substantial contribution to the study as authors, and there is a lot of them in a multi-center study like this. I should say that the senior authors are some of the top-notch people in neuroscience from top imaging centers in the world, and will not be easily shouted down by the SJW crowd.

* Steve, as a longtime reader, I really enjoyed this post which I think cuts to the core of much of your writing: equality is nonsense because people are different.

I wanted to point out why this seems paradoxical to most people. They are accustomed to egalitarian systems where facts are recognized on the basis of consensus, or “most people” thinking they are true.

Once we step outside of the brain-damaged world of egalitarian thinking, it becomes clear that facts are only recognized by those at the top of the IQ spectrum, and only those who are sincere and honest look for those facts.

While I detest democracy in all forms — even a group of people choosing what is for lunch — it would be interesting to imagine future voting booths with brain scans that only allowed entrance for those with high IQ, sincerity and honesty…

* By the way, since brain imaging also provides the full geometry of the skull, science is now in a position to characterize what information is and is not available through phrenology. And to establish how much is predictable from external physical appearance. As Steve likes to say, the glass is partly empty and partly full. The delusional official absolutism of the past 70 years is that it’s discredited pseudoscience, but imaging studies are starting to challenge that.

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Blacks more likely than whites to attribute black problems to genetics

From Audacious Epigone:

In his April Diary, the Derb brought up posts from the Inductivist (still relatively active here) and the Occidentalist concerning changes over time in the self-reported perceptions of why “on the average blacks have worse jobs, income, and housing than whites do”.

The response “less in-born ability to learn” has steadily declined from the 1970s through to the present, even as psychometric evidence and increasingly now genetic evidence for that explanation has accumulated over the same period of time.

Part of the change must be attributable to political correctness–“less in-born ability” makes normies squirm more than a value-neutral explanation like “genetic differences” would–but exactly how much is conjecture.

Reminiscing on my fellow GSS data miners, I took a look at the variable I don’t recall having analyzed much in the past…

One of Thomas Sowell’s major insights in Black Rednecks and White Liberals–that on many things black opinions and behaviors are closer to those of white conservatives than of white liberals–is relevant here.

On the other end of the spectrum, Jews–all Jews, not just liberal Jews–are even more prone to blank slate thinking than white liberals are.


* First, Asians and Hispanics are not as heavily assimilated to the modern American way of being a two-faced pansy when it comes to racial issues. Second, there appears to be a correlation between cultural elitism and being full of BS.

On Steve’s three C benchmark (competence, creativity, and charisma), the highest scoring groups (Jews and whites) are big cucks on racial issues. High black ratings on creativity and charisma allow them to be well-represented among celebrities. Corporate/cultural elites seem to say “why not highly promote black figureheads as reparations on behalf of blacks since people find them entertaining anyway”. But most blacks still remain at a pretty low level, power-wise, so they aren’t as PC.

Asians are highly competent but lack either the temperament or perhaps verbal skills to climb to elite status in many sectors of America. Then again, as we see with college admissions, white/Jewish elites may find Asians to be both a status threat as well as still not fully American enough to be worthy of the sympathy extended to blacks and Indians. So there could be some merit to the idea that just as white elites seem to lift certain groups up, they may also be pushing others down. Culturally, whites/Jews/blacks eligible for elite status are expected to be as interested in liberal agitation as they are in anything else. Asians are more resistant to that, preferring instead to be stolid laborers focused on career and family rather than being distracted by getting too worked up over social/political issues. There’s also the fact that competent Asians to some degree can disdain Left-wing paternalism, while mediocre NAMs embrace excuses and hand-outs.

Hispanics score the worst collective three C score, though overall they are less toxic to society than sociopathic blacks. Nobody really believes they enrich anything, even with gregarious blacks people can fool themselves into hoping that blacks “get over” awful ghetto culture so we can have the best of both worlds: entertaining blacks, and a vast reduction in crime, disorder, and welfare use.

A greater Asian population has it’s drawbacks, and the black population as yet hasn’t really declined. Though we’ve seen some gentrified areas (which just caused blacks to move to another city anyway, not really hurting their overall numbers), and Hispanic gangbangers pushing blacks out of some areas out West, it’s hard to really foresee a time when blacks lose enough turf to diminish their numbers and thus their effects. Which is a shame because they do so much damage.

Perhaps, as whites lose status among the Dems due to Gen X/Millennial non-whites displacing white Boomers, we’re really then going to see war break out between the Dems. As much talks as there is about the Dems uniting via hatred of whites, the irony is that it is precisely the homogeneity of the current and recent past Dem leadership (Silent and Boomer whites and blacks) that’s allowed them to have any semblance of camaraderie and consensus. Black and white Dems born before ’65 mostly agree on most issues. The much greater cultural and ethnic diversity seen among X-ers and Millennials, raised on MTV, video games, and YouTube as opposed to the sweeping group oriented generational social movements and straightforward culture of older generations, is going to bear some bitter fruit for liberals. They’re going to find out that the hedonistic and multi-cultural approach they’ve favored for 50 years produces quarreling and sometimes petty/cynical factions. Such as demanding that True Dems don’t oppose abortion.

* Per Steve Sailer, the Sixties last from about 1964-1975, and were a period of political/social unrest considerable drug use, promiscuity, crime (for the first time in documented Western history, hundreds of serial killers were know to be operating at the same time), and relative affluence for many. These aren’t contrived or corporate things. Neither was the Roaring Twenties. Society periodically goes through different phases. Every cultural decade is unique and memorable in some respects. I don’t see much point in denying it, even if some feel these things being over-rated or exploited.

For example:
– the Fifties, 1946-1963 (peace, prosperity, progress)
– the Sixties, as noted above
-the Seventies, 1976-1981 (Bicentennial, the Carter admin disaster, cynicism)
– the Eighties, 1982-1991 (Just Say No, AIDS, Soviets crumble)
– the Nineties, 1992-2001 (End of History, grunge/gangsta rap, greater push for neo-liberalism and PC/mutli-culturalism)


* Spend anytime around blacks, Asians and Hispanics and you quickly learn they are less romantic about the human condition than the honky. Blacks are quite blunt about it as are Asians. Hispanics seem to know you’re not supposed to notice, but they can’t figure out why so they notice anyway.

* I own a lot of autobiographies by rich and famous people. The only one that attributes the lion’s share of credit to his genes is Wilt Chamberlain’s.

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The Past As Prologue: Mexican Repatriation

From Wikipedia:

The Mexican Repatriation was the mass deportation of ½-2 million people from the United States to Mexico between 1929 and 1936.[1][2] Widely blamed for exacerbating the overall economic downturn,[3] Mexicans were further targeted because of “the proximity of the Mexican border, the physical distinctiveness of mestizos, and easily identifiable barrios.”[4]:29

Estimates of how many were repatriated range from 500,000 to 2,000,000,[5][6] of whom 60% were US-born citizens.[6]:330 Because the forced movement was based on race, and ignored citizenship, one scholar has argued that the process meets modern standards for ethnic cleansing.

Following the Wall Street crash of 1929 President Herbert Hoover pressed for deportation of Mexicans, in order to respond to criticisms from organized labor.[6]:4, 74–75 This built on existing nativist sentiment, exemplified by a series run on the racial inferiority of Mexicans run by the Saturday Evening Post.[4]:27–28 [14]:fn 14 Local media and political groups often echoed these calls.

As a result of these political and economic pressures, large numbers of Mexican nationals and Mexican-Americans were repatriated during the early 1930s…

Justifications for repatriation[edit]

Even before the Wall Street crash, a variety of “small farmers, progressives, labor unions, eugenicists, and racists” called for restrictions on Mexican immigration.[5]:26 Their arguments focused primarily on competition for jobs, and the cost of public assistance for indigents.[5]:26[6]:98Racism was also a factor.[14]:374–377[5]:29

For example, in Los Angeles, C.P. Visel, the spokesman for Los Angeles Citizens Committee for Coordination of Unemployment Relief (LACCCU), wrote to the federal government that deportation was necessary because “[w]e need their jobs for needy citizens”.[6]:67 A member of the Los Angeles County board of Supervisors, H.M. Blaine, is recorded as saying “the majority of the Mexicans in the Los Angeles Colonia were either on relief or were public charges.”[6]:99 Similarly, Congressman Martin Dies wrote in the Chicago Herald-Examiner that the “large alien population is the basic cause of unemployment.”[14]:377 Independent groups such as the American Federation of Labor (AFL) and the National Club of America for Americans also thought that deporting Mexicans would free up jobs for U.S. citizens and the latter group urged Americans to pressure the government into deporting Mexicans…

The streets of East Los Angeles, a heavily populated Mexican area, were deserted only after the first few days that raids had been conducted.[5] Local merchants complained to investigators that the raids were bad for their businesses. According to Balderrama, “Raids assumed the logistics of full-scale paramilitary operations. Federal officials, country deputy sheriffs, and city police cooperated in local roundups in order to assure maximum success.”[6]:71 Sheriff Traeger and his deputies’ tactics included large round ups of Mexicans who were arbitrarily arrested and taken to jail without checking whether or not the people were carrying legal documentation.[5] Jose David Orozco described on his local radio station the “women crying in the streets when not finding their husbands” after deportation sweeps had occurred.”[6]:70 Mexican Consulates across the country were receiving complaints of “harassment, beatings, heavy-handed tactics, and verbal abuse”.[6]:79

These raids include the San Fernando Raid, La Placita Raid, and El Monte Raid. The San Fernando Raid took place on Ash Wednesday 1931. Immigration agents and deputies blocked off all exits to the Mexican neighborhood and “rode around the neighborhood with their sirens wailing and advising people to surrender themselves to the authorities.”[6]:72 The La Placita Raid occurred on February 26, 1931. Led by Watkins, immigration officers enclosed a park with 400 Mexicans. Everyone in the park was made to line up and show evidence of legal entry into the United States before they could leave.[6][page needed] In the El Monte Raid, 300 people were stopped and questioned, 13 were jailed, and of the 13 jailed, 12 were Mexican.

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‘His Kampf: Richard Spencer is a troll and an icon for white supremacists. He was also my high-school classmate.’

Graeme Wood writes for The Atlantic:

“Obviously, German national socialism is not something that has any direct relationship with what I’m doing right now,” Spencer told me. That was horseshit, but I let him continue. Nazis were violent, he said, and “that is not something that I would have anything to do with. I’ve never advocated that or ever glorified that. I am a dissident intellectual. I am not in charge of the police force or the Army. I’m not ordering the roundup of anyone and throwing them into camps.”

There is the small matter of his aesthetic, starting with the famous fashy haircut. One might, with exceptional charity, attribute the haircut to a trollish desire to get his enemies worked up. But hair aside, his appropriation of Nazi tropes is relentless. In his notorious speech that ended in a roomful of fascist salutes, for instance, he referred to the mainstream media as the “Lügenpresse” (“lying press”), a Nazi-era smear against anti-Hitler media, even if Spencer flubbed the pronunciation.

More to the point, Spencer’s ideas themselves are Nazi to the core, and he knows it, even if many of his followers do not. Hitler, too, viewed politics as a struggle and disdained those who imagined it instead as cooperative. For his own race he envisioned a special destiny, like that of an apex predator, expanding its territory until it occupied the land nature intended for it. Here is Spencer, in that same “Hail Trump” speech, on the destiny of whites:

“To be white is to be a striver, a crusader, an explorer and a conqueror. We build, we produce, we go upward … For us, it is conquer or die. This is a unique burden for the white man, that our fate is entirely in our hands. And it is appropriate because within us, within the very blood in our veins as children of the sun, lies the potential for greatness.

That is the great struggle we are called to. We are not meant to live in shame and weakness and disgrace. We were not meant to beg for moral validation from some of the most despicable creatures to ever populate the planet. We were meant to overcome—overcome all of it. Because that is natural and normal for us. Because for us, as Europeans, it is only normal again when we are great again.”

Thwarting the competition among races, Hitler proposed in Mein Kampf, was a cavalcade of abstractions: justice, human rights, democracy, communism, capitalism. Spencer mocks these same abstractions as shibboleths of the modern age. Members of the mainstream right, he said in a December 2016 speech, “talk about global capitalism, and free markets, and the Constitution, and vague Christian values of some sort. But they never ask that question of Who are we? They never ask that question of identity.” His “Hail Trump” speech describes

“the concepts that are now designated “problematic” and associated with whiteness—power, strength, beauty, agency, accomplishment. Whites do and other groups don’t … We don’t exploit other groups. We don’t gain anything from their presence. They need us, and not the other way around.”

These are among the most orthodox Nazi statements ever uttered by an American public figure…

He sounded vulnerable, for the first time since he’d said the St. Mark’s campaign had wounded him. “I have a right as a citizen to walk the streets and not be attacked, and I have the right to be protected,” he complained.

Spencer was obviously right when he said he should not be assaulted. But we both could taste the irony in the situation. If he hadn’t caught himself, he might have started talking about his “human right” not to be brutalized with impunity. Instead he recovered, and used the irony to his advantage. “The fact that they are excusing violence against Richard Spencer inherently means that they believe that there’s a state of exception, where we can use violence,” he said. “I think they’re actually kind of right.”

“War is politics by other means and politics is war by other means,” he said. “We don’t all want the same thing. And that’s why I think there is a kind of state of war going on.”

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