Tag Archives: orthodox jew

Orthodox Man Hesitates Five Seconds Before Patronizing Kosher Restaurant Without Ethics Certification

LOS ANGELES: Modern Orthodox Jew Brad Gold found himself debating in his mind Monday whether or not to eat at his favorite kosher deli. On the one hand, the food looked good, on the other hand, he could find in … Continue reading

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What Does Kosher Mean?

I’m staying with some non-Jewish friends at Loma Linda University this weekend. I’m going to be on a panel Sabbath afternoon talking with three Christians and a Jew about a new book. My friends have never hosted an Orthodox Jew … Continue reading

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Judaism & Yoga

Alon emails: Hi Luke, Via google, I came across a piece you wrote last year comparing Kundalini Yoga to Orthodox Judaism. As an orthodox Jew who is considering yoga as a means toward greater spirituality, I was curious to know … Continue reading

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Amalek Declares Luke A Jew

Bob emails: “Why is Luke Ford not profiled here? His omission here is more hurtful than his absence from hotornot.com.” Khunrum emails: “Let’s face it lads. No one takes this Luke/Jew thing seriously including Luke. He’s about as Jewish as … Continue reading

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Why Do Jewish Day Schools Cost Three Times As Much As Roman Catholic Day Schools?

You can send your child to a Roman Catholic day school for $6,000 a year. If you want to send your child to YULA or Shalhevet and you have to pay full price, that will cost you about $20,000 a … Continue reading

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