Tag Archives: Dennis Prager

Don’t Take Revenge

I’m studying Sefer HaChinuch — a 14th Century working enumerating all the mitzvas in the Torah — with a rabbi. Today we studied the mitzva of not taking revenge. If someone does something bad to me, I want to hurt … Continue reading

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Better To Be A Flea On A Lion Than The Leader Of Mice

From my live cam chat: guest27:  Hey Luke, I saw your video on why you converted to Judaism and chose Orthodoxy. I converted to non-Orthodox Judaism myself but I am seriously considering an Orthodox conversion because it also seems like … Continue reading

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Trembling With Excitement To Join The Jewish People

"I need to know your motivations," he said. "Orthodox Jews are a tiny peculiar people. Why do you want to become one?" "Motivations?" I exclaimed. "Motivations? You need to know my motivations? You can never know my motivations because I … Continue reading

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‘The Torah’s Antipathy To Equality’

Dennis Prager was asked to contribute to a men’s commentary on the Torah. His essay is on the Torah’s antipathy to equality. For instance, the doctrine of choseness (that the Jews are God’s chosen people) is contrary to equality. Listen … Continue reading

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Book Clubs Are For Girls

In theory, I should be hot for book clubs. I typically read several books a week. I love discussing books with smart people. I love to bond with people over books. Yet I’ve never enjoyed a book club. I rarely … Continue reading

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