Tag Archives: rabbi

Maimonides Academy Shift To Right Under Rabbi Gross Leading To MO Parents Taking Their Kids Out

Under Rabbi Karmi Gross, the school has become more strictly Orthodox. Many Modern Orthodox parents are looking for an alternative for their children. They’re looking principally at relocating them to Shalhevet.

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‘It’s Not Like Your Rabbi Will Read It’

  Luzdedos1: Good to see you Sunday sailer girl hollyrandall: lol thanks hollyrandall: i read your blog thing hollyrandall: hey can i write about your guilty feelings about masturbation? it would be great coupled with my member seeing me there– … Continue reading

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Hillel Bylaws Up For Vote

I hear Harkham Hillel’s religious dean Rabbi Boruch Sufrin, Morey Levovitz and current puppet president Fallas are being targeted by current and former employees for work related harrassment issues. For the upcoming vote on the bylaws board and executive board … Continue reading

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Dear Rabbi,

…can we recruit her for our shul’s women’s minyan?  She would make a great Chazzanit! And this girl too, please. I’d come for every minyan and I’d daven with kavannah.

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‘Why Didn’t He Molest Me?’

In my capacity as a moral leader, I have to counsel a lot of hurt and confused men and women dealing with the hard knocks that life delivers. Sometimes their pain comes from their rabbi being accused of molestation. "I … Continue reading

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