Tag Archives: Torah

I Visit Capitol Reef National Park Sunday With Marc Gafni

I’m surprised he didn’t kill me with his bad driving and edgy Torah.

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I Learn To Pray Again

I’d pretty much given up on my ability to pray in shul. It just seemed so lifeless. Then I returned to the Happy Minyan and learned to pray again. I feel myself opening up to God there in a way … Continue reading

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I Fear The Happy Minyan

I haven’t gone in about five years because I know if I go, I’ll love it and I’ll start going every Shabbos. I’ll even put aside my book of the moment and start davening. I might even find myself talking … Continue reading

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Love The Convert

Rabbi Eliezer Melamed writes in the Jewish Press: The laws regarding converts to Judaism are among the most astounding in the Torah. They teach us that any non-Jew who truly and earnestly seeks to join the Jewish people may do … Continue reading

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We Are All Role Models

This man’s writing always shakes me up. He has a knack for getting to the heart of a matter. Chareidi Judaism doesn’t have a better representative in the news media. Jonathan Rosenblum writes: When a radio transmitter transmits sound waves, … Continue reading

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