That’s the most common greeting I get these days in my chat room.
I find it disconcerting.
Here are the other greetings I receive in the order of their popularity:
Ur ugly
Grizzly Adams!
Hey Fuzzy Wuzzy
U need a shave!
What’s tefillin?
U wanna hook-up?
I try to teach my chatters that they are in the presence of G-d but something’s getting lost in the translation.
guest295: OMG its jesus!!!!!!!!!!!
YourMoralLeader: my child
User guest295 changed their name to IFoundJesus.
zappa: What’s a hospice?
YourMoralLeader: I am the way, the truth and the life
IFoundJesus: hi jesus *waves*
zappa: About a gallon and a half
User IFoundJesus left the room.