Monthly Archives: April 2018

Lack Of Power

Comments: * Hey Luke, I’m a fellow outside-looking-in spectator of the alt-right. I really dig your live streams and the group of regulars you have on there. It’s cool to hear people discuss these topics that I’m (perhaps morbidly) fascinated … Continue reading

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The Ashkenazi Discussion Style (4-11-18)

* I asked a Jew to explain the Ashkenazi discussion style. He said: “Fuck you for framing this in terms of us Jews. Like Hitler. Who do you work for, and do they know they have a Jew-hater working for … Continue reading

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My Car Billows Smoke On Pico Bl And Over-Heats While I Stream With Serenity

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. It turned out to be a blown radiator hose. Psychiatrist Stephen Marmer was … Continue reading

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Comments: * Luke, are you still able to understand that at some level, what Dooovid was saying about “frames” goes for religious truths also — in particular, your happy claim about how your focus on connection with your religious community … Continue reading

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From messages and comments I’ve received lately: * Maybe we should talk about the patriarchal state instead of the ethnostate? I think the woman question deserves more air time. I watch this gossiping news babes on CNN and… it’s bad. … Continue reading

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