Daily Archives: December 27, 2013

My Former Roommate Has Done Well

I had so many dreams for my time at UCLA. At last I was getting on to university and getting serious about my education. I signed up for a special “Quiet Floor” at the Rieber Hall dormitory. It was for … Continue reading

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Common Obstacles To Learning The Alexander Technique

Veteran teacher Robert Rickover tells fellow teacher Mark Josefberg: “The Alexander Technique is simple but not necessarily easy. There are some classic traps some students encounter.” “The most classic trap is to try to recreate [the great feelings you get … Continue reading

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Thank You For Sharing

I’ve long thought that sex and love addiction would be a great topic for a movie and now I’ve seen three recent movies on this theme and they are all excellent. I did not detect one false note. * Thank … Continue reading

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Are Jews In America Underdogs?

Are Jews better off for having so many groups like the ADL and the Museum of Tolerance and for dominating Hollywood and the MSM to the point we can deter any criticism of ourselves as a group (and our tendencies … Continue reading

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