Monthly Archives: October 2012

How the Obama and Netanyahu Administrations are Getting U.S. & Israel on Same Plan for Iran Nuclear Development

Following Netanyahu’s bold speech at the United Nations, an exclusive interview with his spokesperson, Mark Regev, in which he discusses how the U.S. and Israel have “an agreement in principle” on keeping Iran from developing nuclear weapons.

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Beauty Is Not In The Eye Of The Beholder, Bitches

I have the most generous scale of any guy I know. So when I say a girl is a 6.5, I’m not being harsh, I’m being generous. My male friends give me a hard time for finding many plain women … Continue reading

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Triumph Of The Will

In a lot of writing classes, people like to write about their triumphs and the wisdom they’ve gained and how they’ve overcome adversity and gotten in touch with how special they are. I hate this! I only want to hear … Continue reading

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Loma Linda Vegans Have Highest Longevity?

A friend emails: “Is this true: “…the vegan Seventh-Day Adventists in Loma Linda, California … are the longest-living Americans”? I don’t believe you ever mentioned it. It’s incredibly significant if true.” Yes, I believe it is true. Jews are close. … Continue reading

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Why Are We In This Mess?

George Gilder told Dennis Prager yesterday: “We have capital flight from the United States and human capital flight…moving to more attractive investment environments. This is the wrong time to go over the fiscal cliff in January, rescinding President Bush’s good … Continue reading

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