Monthly Archives: August 2012

Jewish Masochism

I did not knowingly meet an identifying Jew until I arrived at UCLA at age 22 but I read a lot about Jews and much of it mystified me. In particular, why were so many things identified as Jewish that … Continue reading

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What Does It Mean To Follow God’s Will?

If God is God and created the universe, He is very different from me. So following His will means I can’t just do what I want. Following God’s will means that I have to pause before making a decision to … Continue reading

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Where’s The Cruelty?

A friend emails: I am sorry to hear that your plantar has taken so long to get rid of. I found that in addition to the physical therapy, that massaging the area and really working in magnesium oil, seemed to … Continue reading

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A Little Boy Shaking His Fist

A woman told me: “When I hear your reading and I hear what you have to say and how you relate the incidents, I get this image of a little boy standing, looking up, and shaking his fist at everything … Continue reading

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Sacramento’s Mosaic Law Congregation

By the end of 1989, I determined to convert to Judaism, but I was not sure which denomination to choose. My hero Dennis Prager was non-denominational. He went to all types of synagogues. I decided to be like that. As … Continue reading

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