Monthly Archives: August 2012

I Love The 12-Step Share

I’ve been going to 12-step groups for the past 18 months to find recovery from my emotional addictions. An integral part of meetings is the “share.” Many meetings will have a lead speaker who’ll give a share from 8-15 minutes … Continue reading

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Is My Writing Toxic?

In the first 11 years of my Jewish journey, I never wanted to write anything bad about any rabbi. I revered rabbis. I knew there were bad ones, but I revered the profession as a whole. Then I got kicked … Continue reading

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Why Do Jewish Men Chase Shiksas?

Did I convert to Judaism to chase shiksas? An objective observer looking at my track record might think yes for many of my years prior to completing my Orthodox conversion in 2009. Despite living in and around Orthodox Judaism for … Continue reading

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I’m A Serial Enthusiast

August 11: If this is what isolating looks like, I’m doing fine! I spent about five hours in shul today. My main website,, has been felled by an attack of malware and is currently blocked by Google. My feet … Continue reading

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What Is Jewish Guilt?

I grew up a Christian and I notice a ton more guilt in my Christian friends than in my Jewish friends. For my Orthodox Jewish friends, most of them believe that God is pretty happy with them. I do not … Continue reading

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