Monthly Archives: July 2012

Fight Over Ultra-Orthodox Brings The End of “King Bibi”; Hillary Clinton Visits Israel; Peter Beinart Interview

Israel’s unity government undergoes a shakeup; Hillary Clinton visits Israel; the sandwich that could give you a heart attack and more!

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Greg Leake – Shabbos Goy

Greg Leake emails: Hi Luke, I’ve been out of action because of rotator cuff surgery. The stitches are out, and I’m doing physical therapy, probably won’t be able to throw a left hook for 6 months. A drag. In your … Continue reading

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Can You Compare Rav Elyashiv With Reb Moshe?

Historian Marc B. Shapiro replies to my question: “Because of his political importance, Rav Elyashiv had more influence that R. Moshe, but R. Moshe also spoke to the non-haredi world. R. Elyashiv had no influence outside that world.” “R. Elyashiv’s … Continue reading

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Workin’ Men And Women

On his radio show Monday, Dennis Prager said: “When the president talks to people he respects, he says ‘working’. When he’s on the road campaigning, he says ‘workin’.” “None of my teachers at college were instrumental in any way to … Continue reading

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My Conversion To Judaism Story

This guy in shul was told my story, and so he asked me for chizuk, for strengthening. He was Orthodox from birth but he struggled with some typical guy stuff. He knew I had chosen Torah. He wanted to know … Continue reading

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