Santa Monica’s Rash Of Burglaries

Binky, an actor from Britain now living in West Los Angeles, phones the Dennis Prager show today: “I want to talk about this sudden influx of burglaries in Santa Monica the past few months. I believe this is a direct correlation with what Chuck Schumer and Barack Obama have been spouting the past few months about fairness and about why millionaires should pay their fair share. As a result of this, the riots we saw in London recently, the young people feel emboldened and enticed to take what they think is their’s. If they are not getting the money they feel entitled to because of Republican cuts, they feel like they can go to affluent areas and just take it.”

Dennis Prager: “There’s a new phenomenon now of kids, very often inner city, as a mob going into stores and robbing them. The latest is in Portland, Oregon. I expect this to happen more. The rhetoric of the left is that the reason they are not richer is that the rich are rich. This is what the president has been saying. Close the gap and the economy will improve. The economy will improve if the rich get poorer.”

“Kids are now taught that it is unfair that there are those with so much more money than they have. What is the difference between robbing from the rich and taxing the rich at a certain rate? The moral difference? Both are at gunpoint. If you don’t give me your money, I put you in jail. Is there any percent in which there is no difference between robbery and taxation? Come up with a figure at which taxation is thievery.”

“Mitt Romney is the presumptive nominee [of the Republicans]. It is time now with the greatest passion you have ever had, make believe he is Ronald Reagan. Substitute the face if you want.”

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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