Monthly Archives: April 2012

What Have Kollel Guys Ever Done For Trayvon Martin?


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NYT: ‘In Hopeful Sign, Health Spending Is Flattening Out’

Why is it a hopeful sign? What’s so great about people spending less money on healthcare? I guess the Left knows the proper amount that people should spend on healthcare and will try to legislate it. I want people to … Continue reading

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Why We May Never Know Which 85 Ultra-Orthodox Men Were Arrested for Child Sex Abuse

This week on TJC’s Week In Review, the Brooklyn D.A. makes exception for ultra-Orthodox Jews accused of child molestation; is the shooting by two ultra-Orthodox men of a young black man in Baltimore another Travyon Martin case?; a new YU … Continue reading

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What Is ‘Financing For Reproductive Health’?

The New York Times is talking about abortion. Quite a euphemism — “reproductive health”. NYT: “Despite the busy national debate over contraception and financing for reproductive health, Sex Week at Harvard (and elsewhere) has veered away from politics, emerging instead … Continue reading

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Responsibilities in uniform: zip up and pay up

Greg Leake emails: Hi Luke, As a former military man who once wore the uniform during our VietNam campaign I confess I’m embarrassed and ashamed. It is the responsibility of those of us in uniform to take American values of … Continue reading

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