Monthly Archives: March 2012

Don’t Dress Like A Thug If You Don’t Want To Be Regarded As A Thug

Geraldo Rivera was right! On his radio show today, Dennis Prager said: “The wearing of the hoodie is not something you want to cultivate among young people. When the Miami Heat wear it, the message is given that there is … Continue reading

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Obama, Carter Didn’t Play Around

When President Obama took office, I expected him to be like Jimmy Carter. A friend says: Other than Jimmy Carter, have we ever before had a president who could not be tied to some woman other than his wife, going … Continue reading

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Asian Massage Parlors Steal My Alexander Technique Clients

I teach a lofty cognitive-based system to help people notice and to let go of their interfering patterns of muscular tension but I’m losing my clients to cheap thrill digital release Asian massage parlors promising ecstasy for just $100. How … Continue reading

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Are The Less Fortunate Truly Less Fortunate?

Or are they frequently lazy and irresponsible? Dennis Prager writes: In his front-page-of-the-business-section “Economic Scene” column in The New York Times last week, Eduardo Porter wrote, “The United States does less than other rich countries to transfer income from the … Continue reading

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Leftist Activist Kelly McBride Masquerades As An Ethicist

Kelly McBride is a widely quoted journalism ethicist. She works for The Poynter Institute. She describes herself thus: “Kelly spent 14 years covering saints and sinners in Spokane, Wash. Now she’s at Poynter, searching for the soul of American journalism.” … Continue reading

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