Monthly Archives: March 2012

Should The Catholic Church Be Forced To Pay For Your Birth Control?

Rush Limbaugh did the conservative cause no favors by calling Sandra Fluke a slut and a prostitute and the like. He should’ve stuck to the issues at hand and avoided the name-calling. Rush Limbaugh is an entertainer and entertainers sometimes … Continue reading

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Should we pay for Sandra Fluke’s recreational sex acts?

Greg Leake emails: Hi Luke, Sandra Fluke, a law student at Georgetown University, is demanding that the Catholic Church and American taxpayers pay for her recreational sex acts. The amount of money she is requesting rounds out to about 1,000 … Continue reading

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When Islam Breeds Atheism

Dennis Prager writes: Hezbollah, Hamas, al-Qaida, the Muslim Brotherhood, the ayatollahs, Jamaat-e-Islami in Pakistan, the Taliban and all the other Islamist organizations actually decrease the number of believers in the world. Over the course of time, people do not judge … Continue reading

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Letter To The President

Batia emails: Mr. President, Watching the news coverage Israel’s President Peres & Prime minister Netanyahu’s current visit in the U.S. I paid special attention to your statements in AIPAC and in the white house, today. Here is some feedback to … Continue reading

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Andrew Breitbart Died Just Before He Was Due To Release Damaging Obama Footage

As soon as I heard Andrew Breitbart was dead, I thought he’d been murdered. Nothing else made sense. The guy was only 43. He was full of life. He had damaging video of President Obama he was due to release … Continue reading

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