Monthly Archives: March 2012

Perky Check-Out Girl At Walgreens

I went to Walgreens on Pico and Robertson Blvds about 9:30 this morning and got two sticks of Classic Old Spice deodorant. My check-out girl was Asian and she looked like she was in high school. And she was happy. … Continue reading

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There’s Nothing New About That Breitbart Clip Of Obama At Harvard In 1990

Even posthumously, Andrew Breitbart appears to have made reckless claims. And his Breitbart empire repeated them. There was nothing new in that Obama 1990 clip made public this past week by the Breitbart empire. PBS Frontline reports: But there’s nothing … Continue reading

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Women Know How To Go For The Jugular

I was watching this PBS Frontline report about terrorist David Headley (he planned the 2009 Mumbai attacks). I was struck how his wives, after falling out with David, would go to the FBI and other law enforcement to say that … Continue reading

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Has the left coast deprived Luke of the American experience?

Greg Leake emails: Hi Luke, A few days ago you had an interesting post called “The Apprenticeship of Luke Ford.” I always appreciate the insight into yourself, and at the same time I asked myself, “Has Luke missed some of … Continue reading

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Rick Santorum Song Goes Viral

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