Monthly Archives: March 2012

Rub Them Out!

Joe emails: I drive by a bordello on my way home every night and did not realize it. I stop at the light almost every night on pico and overland, and there is this big neon sign for a massage. … Continue reading

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Israel’s Haredi Welfare State

In his first lecture on R. Joseph Mesas for Torah in Motion, professor Marc B. Shapiro says: The Talmud says explicitly that if you don’t work, if all you do is study, it will lead to thievery. “This society of … Continue reading

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Terrorism In The Name Of Palestine

Max Boot writes: Just as there was a certain segment of the intelligentsia which claimed after 9/11 that the U.S. “had it coming,” so too there will no doubt be some who claim that the Jews somehow had it coming … Continue reading

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Drudge Report: LA City Council Close To Resolution Barring Radio Hosts From ‘Racist, Sexist’ Comments…

This Drudge Report headline is inaccurate. A resolution has no power to do anything but to share the opinions of those voting for it. Here’s the story in question.

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Marc B. Shapiro: If Christianity Isn’t Idolatry, Then What Is?

According to the chief rabbinate of Israel, Hinduism is not idolatry. Hindus see themselves as monotheist. They’re not monotheists by our Jewish standard. Hinduism has no doctrine of incarnation, of God becoming man. That’s the essence of Christianity and that’s … Continue reading

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