Monthly Archives: October 2011

Is Israel A Racist State?

A caller to Dennis Prager’s radio show Friday said that Israel has more than a million Arab citizens while the Palestinian prime minister wants to establish a state with not one Jew allowed. Why isn’t this guy called a racist? … Continue reading

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The Bigger The State, The Smaller The Church

On his radio show Friday, Dennis Prager said: “Morality emanates from the state. So what do you need the church for?” “Americans took care of each other through religious institutions but if secular institutions are going to take care of … Continue reading

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The New Nobel Prize In Literature

On his radio show Friday, Dennis Prager reads a poem from the new Nobel Prize winner, Swedish poet, Tomas Tranströmer. Dennis also read a poem of his creation over a commercial break and a poem from his producer Allen Estrin … Continue reading

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Conservatives Falling In Love With Herman Cain

On his radio show Friday, Dennis Prager said: “It’s hard for a conservative not to fall in love with Herman Cain. I didn’t even start speaking about him until a couple of weeks ago.” “I can support him. He combines … Continue reading

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Sheltered White Jewish Girl

An Orthodox teenager comes home from public school. “I got a new name today,” she said. “I’m Sheltered White Jewish Girl.” “Our school is so ghetto.” “All the other Jewish kids are so Reform.” “You can be a beacon,” says … Continue reading

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