Monthly Archives: October 2011

Levi Ben Avraham Is Dead, I’m Luke Ford, Bitches!

Watch the whole Yom Kippur show!

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How Long Will Herman Cain Live?

In 2008, we elected a president with no executive experience and no foreign policy experience. Are you happy with the results? Herman Cain has no political experience. And he’s likely to die within ten years. According to Wikipedia: “In 2006, … Continue reading

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Now The Truth Can Be Told – Renegade Jews Cut The Beards Of Their Own Kind

I’ve been too embarrassed to reveal the truth about what happened to my beard, but now through therapy, I’ve come to embrace the truth because the truth sets you free. The New York Times reports: Blogger Luke Ford had been … Continue reading

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Why Is Class Hatred OK?

From Dennis Prager: “Prager H1: Why is hatred of class different than hatred of race? Dennis asks why the left will so denounce hatred based on race, but then preach hatred based on class. Callers respond.” Joseph Stalin murdered about … Continue reading

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Rabbi Shmuley Boteach’s Brothers Sue Each Other

Case Type: Infliction of Emotional Distress (General Jurisdiction) Case#: BC471397 CASE NAME: JONATHAN BOTACH VS BARKOCHBA BOTACH ET AL Parties: BOTACH BARKOCHBA – Def/Res,BOTACH JONATHAN – Plaintiff & Plaintiff In Pro Per,BOTACH MANAGEMENT – Def/Res,BOTACH YOAV – Def/Res Attorneys: Date … Continue reading

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