Monthly Archives: July 2011

I’m Rooting For The U.S. Women’s Soccer Team

Until this week, I never cared about any women’s team sport. I found them all boring to watch. It would never occur to me to watch men sew or knit of raise babies and it didn’t seem interesting to me … Continue reading

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Giving Up Versus Getting Help

Many times when I have a stiff problem, my first reaction is to lie down. I just want to give up. I want to curl into a ball and stop fighting. Then, after a while, I’ll get up and get … Continue reading

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She Had An Amazing Sense Of Touch

The main teacher in the movie and play The History Boys said his touch of his students was more benedictory than exploratory. I’ve never been able to forget that phrase. Some people just have an amazing sense of touch and … Continue reading

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South Korea Embodies Ingratitude

Dennis Prager writes: For decades, there have been anti–U.S. demonstrations in South Korea. And each time I wonder the same thing: Do these people have any idea what that living hell known as North Korea is like? Do these people … Continue reading

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Parashat Pinchas (Numbers 25:10-30:1)

I discuss the weekly Torah portion with Rabbi Rabbs every Monday at 7pm PST on my live cam and on YouTube. Facebook Fan Page. This week we study Parashat Pinchas (Numbers 25:10-30:1).

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