Monthly Archives: May 2011

Psychology Today: Why Are Black Women Less Attractive?

This article has been pulled from the Psychology Today website. I don’t think most guys find fatties attractive, whatever their race. Jeff emails: I occasionally see some fine sisters, but they seem never to be from New York, but from … Continue reading

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The Longest Torah Portion – Parashat Naso (Numbers 4:21-7:89)

I discuss the weekly Torah portion with Rabbi Rabbs every Monday at 7pm PST on my live cam and on YouTube. Watch the videos here. This week’s Torah portion is the longest of the year — Parashat Naso (Numbers 4:21-7:89). … Continue reading

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What Are Heterosexuals Allowed To Do If They Want To Keep Their Bar Straight?

I just watched episode 16 of season one of Cheers. A former teammate of Sam’s hosts a party at the bar for his new book, in which he comes out. The Cheers’ regulars become afraid the bar will turn gay. … Continue reading

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Congressman Anthony Weiner of New York apparently sent a photo of his private parts to this Journalism major in Seattle Gennette Cordova and his other 45,000 Twitter followers. Here’s what Weiner apparently tweeted, intending it to be private but sending … Continue reading

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Jewish News

From ▪ Rabbis finally break silence on sex abuse ▪ American Orthodoxy and Its Discontents ▪ RCA Examining Its Guidelines For Individual Membership of Yeshiva Chovevei Torah ▪ Big Brother at a kosher restaurant near you ▪ How do Ashkenazim live long, despite bad … Continue reading

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