Monthly Archives: May 2011

Is is proper to celebrate when a wicked person dies?

I love this issue because it separates Torah scholars from pretend Torah scholars. Anyone who says that the Torah prevents us from celebrating the death of a terrorist is a pretend Torah scholar and a fool. Most congregational rabbis have … Continue reading

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I Fear Life Is Passing Me By

As I was blogging away tonight with my thoughts on the movie Casino Jack, I got a text asking: “Are you at the BINA event?” I didn’t even know there was a BINA event tonight. I love BINA events. Everything … Continue reading

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Unbroken By Laura Hillebrand

I’m finishing up this new book about a WWII prisoner of the Japanese and it reminds me that Japan was every bit the moral equal of the Nazis. Unlike Germany, however, Japan has not come to grips with its savagery. … Continue reading

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Casino Jack

I enjoyed this new film about disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff. It reminded me of myself. Like Jack, I converted to Orthodox Judaism (he was born Jewish but came to Orthodoxy later in life) but simultaneously yearned to be a big … Continue reading

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Depressed Men Watch Too Much TV Instead Of Working Hard!

Watch the whole show! From Monday night: Luke: “I’ve got a theory on why we watch so much sports. It’s because we don’t have enough going on with our lives. If we were absorbed in our career or absorbed in … Continue reading

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