Monthly Archives: April 2011

How Did I Get In This Position?

All the air went out of my tires tonight when I realized… This happens to me over and over again. I have to believe I have a backstop so that I can go out and do what I want. Then … Continue reading

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Dark Secrets Of The Opposite Sex

A caller to Dennis Prager’s radio show today, Michael, says: “Even though a wife will swear and claim she won’t do it, a wife will put the below adulthood children’s welfare above yours. Even though they may rationally know that … Continue reading

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My Shameful Social Climbing

I’m not at all happy with where I am in life. I want to climb higher. I like the air where the elite hang out. I’ve had a few sniffs of it in my time (when I was traipsing along … Continue reading

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Out Of The Shadows

I was a little embarrassed this afternoon to be checking out this book from a librarian I know in the Jewish community while frum Jews were all around me!

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We Teach People How To Treat Us

I’ve been listening to this series of lectures by Igor Ledochowski on lifelong success. He makes these points about relationships: Over the long course, the life span of relationships, people will treat you the way that you’ve trained them to … Continue reading

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