Daily Archives: March 16, 2011

Was Wagner Right?

Daniel Rodwin writes: Wagner said Jews are incapable of creating great music because, having no homeland, they pull sounds from all traditions into the “motlyest chaos.” Could such an anti-Semite be even partially correct? And if he was, how is … Continue reading

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Fondling In The Kitchen

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager said: “You are the wife. You are doing work in the kitchen, washing dishes or in the garden gardening. There are no kids around. Your husband stops by to say something and he … Continue reading

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The Moral Confusion About UCLA Student Alexandra Wallace

UCLA junior and hot blonde model Alexandra Wallace posted a video on Friday complaining about noisy Asians in the library. She did not advocate treating Asians badly. She just complained about the manners of the Asians in the library and … Continue reading

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