Monthly Archives: March 2011

Learning The Social Mores Of Orthodox Judaism

Heshy Fried writes: When I lived in Dallas, the kiruv folk over there had the social process down pat, this was because they had no competition and most of the people becoming frum would probably never live anywhere else and … Continue reading

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The New Eden

From Tuesday, March 15, 2011 Radio Show 20110315 – 01 North Dakota, New Eden Prager H1: Joel Kotkin writes about the prosperity in North Dakota, unlike that of almost any other state, and the reasons why…. Bill Maher insults … Continue reading

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Alexandra Wallace Apologizes For Her Asians in the Library Video

The UCLA Daily Bruin reports: Wallace contacted university police early Sunday evening after receiving numerous death threats via e-mail and phone, said UCPD spokeswoman Nancy Greenstein. Police advised her to take a number of precautions and are currently working to … Continue reading

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This week’s Torah portion (parasha) is Tzav (Leviticus 6:1-8:36)

I discuss the weekly Torah portion with Rabbi Rabbs every Monday at 7pm PST on my live cam and on YouTube. Greg Leake emails: Hi Luke, I think Alexandra Wallace should be punished. Why? Because she’s been a very, very … Continue reading

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The Other Tsunami – Muslim Hatred Of Jews

Dennis Prager writes: It is very difficult to hate babies. It takes a special person. As morally wrong as it is to murder innocent adults, mankind seems to have a built-in revulsion against killing babies. If a baby does not … Continue reading

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