Monthly Archives: January 2011

I Return To Aish HaTorah


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This Week’s Torah Portion Is Beshalach (Exodus 13:17–15:26)

I discuss the weekly Torah portion with Rabbi Rabbs every Monday at 7pm PST on my live cam and YouTube. This week’s parsha is Beshalach.

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She Shuckled All Night Long

Hat tip to Frum Satire: The lyrics are below: The Alte Rockers: Purim 2009: Parody of AC/DC – You Shook Me All Night Long You Shuckled (AC/Rashi, Jews in Black Hats) She was a text machine She studied kiddushin She … Continue reading

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Who’s To Blame For The Saturday Shootings In Tucson?

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager said that most people left are center are so because of the left’s effective demonization of the right, not because they hold left-wing positions. We conservatives think this guy Jared L. Loughner should … Continue reading

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My Boy’s A Bloody Liar!

D. emails: He writes: “If somebody had offered me a part in a movie in exchange for having sex with the men of their choice, I would’ve refused.” However, if Sunny Jim got to make the choice, it’d be a … Continue reading

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