On his radio show today, Dennis Prager said that most people left are center are so because of the left’s effective demonization of the right, not because they hold left-wing positions.
We conservatives think this guy Jared L. Loughner should be executed. Liberals say no. He’s not culpable for what he did.
Hillary Clinton should be removed as secretary of state. To compare Islamic terrorists to this man Jared L. Loughner as an example of our extremists just like you do, wow. Hillary Clinton tells the Arab world that we have the same problem. This is vile.
The only thing to be learned from this weekend’s terrible event in Tucson is how the left lies to further its agenda by demonizing the right.
Many of you are asking, am I demonizing the left?
Demonizing means you attribute things that are not true. Are you lying with negative rhetoric?
Hysteria is almost a monopoly of the left, from heterosexual AIDS in America to zero population growth or the world will have no more food. They are like the borderline personality — in need of constant tension. There are individuals who need permanent crises so they create them. They thrive on emotional eruptions. That’s the left. The left lives for the next reason to be hysterical. Is it peanuts in school or carbon dioxide emissions or silicone breast implants? The list is endless.
When President Reagan was shot, there was no talk about all the hate rhetoric against President Reagan from the left. It was understood that his shooter was deranged, but if a Democrat is shot, then it is right-wing hate.
Leonard Bernstein said, “If Ronald Reagan is elected, the Klu Klux Klan will come to office. I have been warned my entire life that right-wing violence will tear this country apart. It’s never happened and it won’t happen. It’s not part of the DNA of the right. It is part of the DNA of the left. Look at the animal rights groups and the violence against professors. Give me an analogous thing on the right.”
“Who needs body guards when they go to speak on university campuses? Right-wing speakers. It doesn’t matter how radically left you are, you don’t need a bodyguard. Ann Coulter. David Horowitz. They travel with bodyguards to college campuses. Whose speeches get interrupted and ended on college campuses? Right-wing speakers.”
In a better world, no one would attempt to exploit his madness for political gain. We would instead focus on the contributions of Ms. Giffords, by all accounts a laudable public servant. We would celebrate the lives of the other victims, and we would praise the survivors who intervened to tackle Mr. Loughner and disarm him before he could kill others—like 74-year-old retiree Bill Badger, who was grazed in the head by a bullet before helping to restrain the shooter.
But the shooting news had barely hit the wires on Saturday before the media’s instant psychoanalysis put the American body politic on the couch instead of Mr. Loughner. “Bloodshed Puts New Focus on Vitriol in Politics,” declared a story in the New York Times, which focused primarily on the tea party and Sarah Palin in the context of mass murder. The story even hauled in opposition to health-care reform.
Politico, the Beltway website, chimed in by quoting a “veteran Democratic operative” advising the White House “to deftly pin this on the tea partiers,” just as “the Clinton White House deftly pinned the Oklahoma City bombing on the militia and anti-government people” in 1995.
…Judging from Mr. Loughner’s own website, his mind was a mess of conspiracy theories, influenced by tracts like “Mein Kampf” and the “Communist Manifesto.” His main complaint about government seems to be that he believes it is trying to control American “grammar.” Yet this becomes an excuse for the media to throw him in with the tea partiers as “anti-government.”
From DennisPrager.com: Who takes the blame for Arizona murders? Sarah Palin and the Tea Party? Keith Olbermann and the Daily Kos? Martians? Or maybe the sicko who pulled the trigger?
Monday, January 10, 2011 Radio Show
H1: Raising Arizona
Prager H1: Over the weekend the usual suspects Paul Krugman, Frank Rich and alike, wrote columns attributing the murderous Arizona nut’s motives to the Right, Sarah Palin, and so on. Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton said in the United Arab Emirates that: “we have the same kind of problems…” Dennis clarifies why we do not have the same kind of problems.
Monday, January 10, 2011 Radio Show
H2: Danger on the Right
Prager H2: The discussion of blaming the Right for the assassination in Arizona continues. Callers weigh in.
Monday, January 10, 2011 Radio Show
H3: A Monopoly on Hate?!
Prager H3: Why is hate always ascribed to the Right? Dennis makes the point that hate is not only, not exclusive to the Right, but that it is far more prevalent on the Left.
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Chaim Amalek emails me: “Do you think the recent attempt on the life of Representative Giffords will make it harder for you to get within microphone range of Dennis Prager?”
Khunrum emails: “If it wasn’t for my association with Luke, I would still not, to this day, know who Dennis Prager is. Even now I view him as some wacko with an opinion on everything who also plays an accordion. I believe the assassin who is out to kill Dennis Prager would also have a grudge against Pee Wee Herman.”
Chaim Amalek emails: Seriously, I live in what many regard as the “media capital of the world” and I have never, ever, ever heard or seen this guy’s name come up. It is entirely possible, therefore, that this is a “Fight Club” type situation, and “Dennis Prager” is purely a creation of Luke’s imagination.
Similarly, it is entirely possible that “Luke Ford” was born “Leon Kampowski” in Patterson, New Jersey. The human imagination is a mighty thing.