Daily Archives: January 5, 2011

My Health Insurance Rates Just Jumped 16%

Thanks to Obamacare! More mandated coverage means I have to pay higher rates. I hope the Republicans are able to raise enough votes to repeal Obamacare. Duke Helfand now covers the health beat for the Los Angeles Times. He is … Continue reading

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Jewish News

From Torah Musings: ▪ R. Weinreb: What’s Needed In Orthodox Leadership ▪ Beyond Excess: Finding better rewards for our leaders ▪ A tour of Iraq’s ancient sites (video) ▪ Study probes religious teens’ sexual guilt ▪ YU ethics expert censures … Continue reading

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My Traffic Sources By City Over The Past Year

1,361,222 visits came from 26,101 cities Visits Pages/Visit Avg. Time on Site % New Visits Bounce Rate 1. New York 63,293 1.64 00:01:29 66.09% 75.63% 2. Los Angeles 54,049 1.68 00:01:51 48.45% 75.00% 3. New York 46,131 1.52 00:01:25 69.45% … Continue reading

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The Death Penalty

From DennisPrager.com: Wednesday, January 05, 2011 Radio Show H1: Is Death Penalty Still Viable? Prager H1: Dennis debates David Garland, Professor of Law and Professor of Sociology at New York University. His new book is Peculiar Institution: America’s Death Penalty … Continue reading

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