Daily Archives: January 13, 2011

A Possible Career Avenue

Fred emails: Believe it or not, I think that Luke should go into competitive sports. Here is an article about an athletic event for which our boy, with his unique and vast experience, might very well proper. Khunrum emails: We’re … Continue reading

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Memorial for Tucson Victims

From BigGovernment.com: In an exclusive statement, famed attorney and Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz defended Sarah Palin’s use of the term “blood libel” from multiple detractors. As the Media Matters/MSM/Democrat narrative on the Tucson tragedy unravels, they are getting a … Continue reading

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Wrestling With My Sexuality

Professor D.G. Myers writes: What I am suggesting is that the two treatments of dialogue in the contemporary novel—the scrupulous mimicry of everyday speech and the studied exclusion of differing points of view—are connected at the level of basic assumptions … Continue reading

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