Daily Archives: December 13, 2010

The Individual’s Right To Choose

For the left, the individual’s right to choose an abortion is sacrosanct. But what about the individual’s right to choose in other matters? What if a Jew only wants to rent his apartment to a Jew? What if an employer … Continue reading

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What Does a Girl Have To Do These Days To Get Dumped?

Tamara Shayne Kagel blogs: Here’s the scenario. You meet someone you think you could like. You’ve hung out three or four times, maybe a few dates and then meeting up with his friends for drinks. You start to think you … Continue reading

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Orthodox Couple Sues For Sheitel Damage

Frum couple sues on people court for shaitel damage, Total Chillul Hashem? You be the judge. In a daytime TV show called The Peoples Court a Jewish couple, identified only as Heidi and Mendi, appeared before Judge Marilyn Milian in … Continue reading

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