Monthly Archives: December 2010

When Tamara Hit Rock Bottom

Tamara is a 20-something third year law student. She writes a dating blog for the Jewish Journal called Tattletales. Watch our complete interview.

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Tamara Sacrifices For Her Art

Tamara is a 20-something third year law student. She writes a dating blog for the Jewish Journal called Tattletales. Watch our complete interview.

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Tamara: Wait Until You Are In Love Before Having Sex

Tamara is a 20-something third year law student. She writes a dating blog for the Jewish Journal called Tattletales. Watch our complete interview.

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Tamara Sent A Very Naughty Envelope In Fifth Grade To A Guy She Liked

The envelope was from her Jewish day school, Adat Ariel, and she got busted. Tamara is a 20-something third year law student. She writes a dating blog for the Jewish Journal called Tattletales. Watch our complete interview.

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Luke Ford and Julian Assange

Yehuda emails: 1. Both are Australian 2. Both like to expose the inner workings of secretive institutions. 3. Both have had run ins with authority figures. 4. Both are fascinated with the Jewish people and Israel. I would say that … Continue reading

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