Monthly Archives: June 2010

My YouTube Videos Have 3,106,315 Views

Whoa. Over three million. Join the crowd. I started posting videos online when I bought my first video camera in January 2007. Over the next few months, I earned about $700 from posting videos to, until that site stopped … Continue reading

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‘I Saw Your God’

A friend emails me from the Republican Jewish Coalition dinner last night in Beverly Hills: “I saw your god. Should I ask Prager about pedophile rabbis?” Robert J. Avrech blogs: The food was strictly kosher and I was heartened to … Continue reading

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I’m Losing My Life To Distractions

This article rings true to me. I find I’ve become addicted to the thrill of email. I check mine way too much. I got a Blackberry two years ago so I could check my email anywhere. I have friends who … Continue reading

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I’ll Never Forget Her Tears

* There was this girl in fifth grade (Avondale College Primary School) who liked me. I couldn’t stand it so I tortured her. I used to leave tacks on her chair. When she sat down, she’d scream and start crying. … Continue reading

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Middlemarch by George Eliot

I’m near the end of this novel. A few weeks ago, I saw the BBC miniseries. I’m struck by the shunning delivered to one of the major characters in the novel when it is discovered that he came by his … Continue reading

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