Monthly Archives: June 2010

Ikar’s Conservative Rabbi Disturbed By Sunday’s Pro-Israel Rally

Rabbi Sharon Brous writes for the Jewish Journal: I am certain that I am not the only person who left Sunday’s Solidarity Rally for Israel with a profound sense of unease. While I was not greeted with boos and jeers, … Continue reading

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When My Body Gives Me Away


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Rubashkin Acquitted in Iowa Child Labor Trial

The Des Moines Register reports: Waterloo, Ia. – Former Agriprocessors Inc. executive Sholom Rubashkin was found not guilty Monday of all 67 misdemeanor child labor charges against him… State prosecutors alleged Rubashkin allowed minors to labor up to 90 hours … Continue reading

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New Jersey Governor Chris Christie Is Like A Shower

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager says: “My new hero in the United States is the New Jersey governor Chris Christie. Here he is again telling truths that are never spoken out of fears of the unions.” “You know … Continue reading

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Helen Thomas Resigns

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager says: “I’ve never liked Helen Thomas but I’ve never bothered spending time about her. She was always this far-left voice in the press corps. She was tolerated because of her age and being … Continue reading

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