Daily Archives: May 23, 2010

Is ‘Trauma’ Goyisha Thinking?

As I review the entire corpus of Judaic literature in my head, I can’t find much about trauma. I wonder if trauma is goyisha thinking (outside of Torah and hence has no validity)? I remember moving to the United States … Continue reading

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Covering Up Rabbi Sex Abusers

Orthodox rabbi Marc B. Shapiro blogs April 15, 2010: There is another theory as to why the sectarian hasidic world in particular has had so many cases of covering up and defending child sex abusers. It is that they simply … Continue reading

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Executing The Jewish Murderer Martin Grossman

Wikipedia says: “Martin Edward Grossman (January 19, 1965 � February 16, 2010) was convicted of first degree murder for his part in the December 13, 1984, Florida killing of wildlife officer Peggy Park. He was executed by lethal injection. In … Continue reading

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Do Private Remarks Give You A More Accurate Assessment Of A Person?

A few months ago, when the book Game Change came out, Dennis Prager derided the news media’s preoccupation with Senator Harry Reid’s comments about Obama being so successful because he was a light-skinned black man who did not speak with … Continue reading

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