Monthly Archives: April 2010

The New Immigration Bill In Arizona

I heard Dennis Prager say on the radio yesterday that he was unhappy that immigration was the new hot button political issue. He said it used to be the left’s mismanagement of the economy and the piling up of government … Continue reading

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Stuff Single Orthodox Girls Like

From FrumSatire: Working as a Madricha at a seminary, as a Limudei Kodesh teacher , or at any job where it

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She Would’ve Been 80

My mom would’ve turned 80 April 22nd. She died of cancer April 24, 1970. I was not yet four. On my bookshelf I have her children’s book, “Fireside Stories”

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Mashgiach Whistleblower Robert Frank Sues Orthodox Union

Click here for the story.

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Bearded Community

Paul emails: Hi Luke: I saw your video “Will a beard hurt my job prospects” on youtube and I just wanted to say I think you have a great beard. I am bearded myself and my dad doesn’t trust men … Continue reading

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