Monthly Archives: March 2010

F. M. Alexander

The teachings of F.M. Alexander have had more influence on my life than those of any other teacher (aside from Dennis Prager). Reading the book F. Matthias Alexander: The Man and His Work by Lulie Westfeldt, I was struck by … Continue reading

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David Rubin Investigation

David Rubin is a prominent Orthodox Jew in Hancock Park. He’s involved a few of his Orthodox friends in his schemes. I got this fax: “How interesting that when you look up Enhanced Affordable, David Rubin’s name is no longer … Continue reading

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Tikkun Olam

As I’m checking out of Ralphs, wearing a yarmulke and tzitzit out as always, this old lady in pants says to me, “Do you believe in tikkun olam?” “Yes,” I say. “Then why are you using these?” she says, and … Continue reading

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Jewish News

From Hirhurim: R. Alan Yuter defends Post-Orthodoxy on the Union for Traditional Judaism website: link R. Michael J. Broyde and R. Shlomo Brody: Homosexuality and Halacha: link Video on Rav Kook: link Christie seeks to repeal Bergen County blue laws: … Continue reading

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Shalhevet Focuses On Its High School

The community is in shock over this. Employees at the elementary and middle school didn’t know that it was closing down. Here’s the press release: Los Angeles, CA

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