Daily Archives: January 27, 2010

The Untimely Demise Of The Las Vegas Jewish Reporter

Amy, the wife of Arthur Bloberger, the editor of the Jewish Reporter, emails Las Vegas entertainment executive Tom Ficara: Hello, I’m Arthur’s wife, Amy. Arthur has been keeping me informed about the ongoing issues with the Federation. I know that … Continue reading

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Jewish News

From Hirhurim: R. Seth Farber: The new conversion law is a joke: link Rabbis request bail for convicted financial fraud perpetrator: link RCA pushing ethical kosher guidelines: link Rabbinical courts softened stance on husbands refusing their wives divorce in 2009: … Continue reading

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2009 Official Israeli Rabbinate Report on State of Jewish Divorce

Gadi Pickholz emails: The Israel Father’s Rights Advocacy Council applauds the Chief Rabbinate and the National Bet Din of the Israeli Rabbinical Courts for publication yesterday of the most definitive and scientific analysis of the State of Jewish Divorce yet … Continue reading

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Shabbat Unplugged

Ellis Kirschenbaum, executive director of Temple Emanuel in Beverly Hills, emails: Luke, Thank you to you and the committee that included Temple Emanuel in your ratings. Ratings are subjective and we can’t really quarrel with your consensus opinion with one … Continue reading

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