Monthly Archives: January 2010

Jewish News

From Hirhurim: Hold the presses: newspapers are competing for Orthodox readers: link Renewing the siddur: link Prediction that Mashiach will come this year (mark your calendars to see if it comes true): link R. Asher Meir on ethics and tax … Continue reading

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Organs On Shabbat

Jerry emails: I stumbled accross your website and wanted to ask you about synagogues. I grew up in LA, but just moved back after living 13 years in New York. Do any of the Reform or other synagogues still use … Continue reading

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Scott Brown’s Daughters Are Available

I remember watching lesbian leftist Rachel Maddow say on MSNBC Tuesday night that it was super-weird of Scott Brown to say that his daughters were available. Dennis Prager was asked about Brown’s remark and said on his show yesterday: “I … Continue reading

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Luke Ford Lost Journal Entry II

I was born the son of a Christian evangelist with a taste for the psychedelic music of Texas-based rockers Bubble Puppy. My dad tried to instill a sense of discipline in me. Upon catching me stealing spoonfuls of brown sugar … Continue reading

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Inglorious Basterds

I’m watching Quentin Tarantino’s “Inglorious Basterds” live on my cam. I got the screener because I am a member of SAG. I’ve had a long hard day filled with Alexander Technique, publicist drudgery, therapy, and a cold walk in the … Continue reading

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