Monthly Archives: November 2009

The Invention Of The Jewish People

David Deutsch writes: As Humor Editor of America’s Longest Running Jewish Sight Gag, Jewdar is not unaccustomed to being accused of providing ammunition to the enemies of Israel, the Jewish people and good taste in general. In those rare occasions … Continue reading

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New York Mashgiach Says Orthodox Union Only Interested In Making Money, Not In Policing Kashrut

According to Wikipedia: "In Judaism, a Mashgiach (Hebrew: ?????, pl. ???????, mashgichim) is a person who supervises the kashrut status of a kosher establishment." Thursday evening, Robert Frank, a New York mashgiach, emailed me: "Dear Mr. Ford, I would like … Continue reading

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I hate that sound — "Ehehhehhehh!" It means I’m wrong. I’m bad. I’m busted. It means I may not pass go, I may not collect $200. For 43 years, people have been saying "Ehehhehhehh!" to me. It means I can’t … Continue reading

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Aussie Blokes

I don’t know much. I never graduated from college or nothing. But I know about Aussie blokes. There’s this one Aussie bloke I know right well. He was raised a Sevie. You Yanks would call that a Seventh-Day Adventist. By … Continue reading

Posted in Australia, Dennis Prager, Ethics, Orthodoxy, Personal | Tagged , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Aussie Blokes

Write From Your Bad Girl

"You seem like such a good girl," I told an acquaintance. "You seem so responsible and caring. You run your own business. You’re always considerate of other people’s feelings. You seem like you were the teacher’s pet. You’ve strived to … Continue reading

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