Monthly Archives: November 2009

Yisroel Pensack: Was Colin Powell Equally Wrong About WMD in Iraq and Islam in America?

I think that’s a fair question in light of yesterday’s murderous shooting rampage at Fort Hood, Texas, which authorities have attributed to Major Nidal Malik Hasan, a 39-year-old Army psychiatrist who reportedly was about to be deployed to Iraq or … Continue reading

Posted in Afghanistan, Barack Obama, Iraq, Islam, Jerusalem, Murder, New York Times, Republicans, Yisroel Pensack | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Yisroel Pensack: Was Colin Powell Equally Wrong About WMD in Iraq and Islam in America?

Why Are Alexander Technique Teachers So Insecure?

Robert Rickover writes in vol 2 issue 1 of Direction Journal (I’m highlighting parts of his essay below): London teacher Kri Ackers said: "The thing to remember about Alexander teachers is that we’re all insecure as hell." Why is this? … Continue reading

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The Next Scandal

Jeff says: "Luke, here is the next scandal to hit the Orthodox world. Even though this is a New York-based deal, Leonard Grunstein’s daughter, Ruchie Fried, lives in Los Angeles and is on the board of Beth Jacob. She was … Continue reading

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Before The Taliban

During the second hour of his radio show today, Dennis Prager said that any woman anywhere in the world 2,000 years ago had more rights than women do today under the Taliban. Dennis says he has only contempt for non-liberals … Continue reading

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The Shidduch (Matchmaking) Crisis

From Hirhurim: A survey of university presidents’ salaries: link Religious Zionists rabbis want kosher cellphone internet: link The new shidduch crisis: link An article on a few J-blogs: link NY Post reports on proposed solution to the Shidduch Crisis: link … Continue reading

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