Daily Archives: August 26, 2009

U.S. Senator Edward Kennedy Is Dead

He was a relentless force for the Left. To the end, he was looking out for their interests. See ya Ted.

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I just watched this hokey Christian melodrama about saving your marriage through practicing the 40-Day Love Dare. If you want to save your relationship, try watching this movie together and discussing it. If you are not a Christian, skip the … Continue reading

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CANCELLED – The Rise of Nuclear Iran

Dore Gold speaks in Los Angeles September 2nd about his new book, "The Rise of Nuclear Iran." This Sept. 2 event has now been cancelled. From the David Horowitz Freedom Center: Dore Gold, author of the New York Times bestseller … Continue reading

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Evan Sayet Is Not Suggesting The CIA Assassinate Obama

Evan Sayet writes on Facebook: To the pros at the CIA…use your power to take down Barack Hussein Obama. He’s out to get because he hates America. You love America, that’s why you became heroes. Take this enemy of the … Continue reading

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It’s Better Than Sleeping Alone

Tuesday. 9:30 pm. My yoga teacher reminds us of the next morning’s celebration of Yogi Bhajan‘s 80th birthday. It begins at 2:40 with Japji. I’m not the kind of guy who likes to miss Japji. I am so excited by … Continue reading

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