Daily Archives: August 24, 2009

Women Protest In Tel Aviv

From YNET:

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I was sending torried emails today to a woman who’d just given me her email address over the phone. But I misspelled the address and got back this reply from a name I did not recognize: "Call you "Daddy"? Haha…right. … Continue reading

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Gran Blogerino

I’m working on a script about a crusty veteran of internet flame wars who must confront his hung immigrant neighbors and confront his prejudices about gay sex. When the family’s teen son Tao tries to steal Luke’s van, the Moral … Continue reading

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Why Do People Keep Calling ‘Kundalini Yoga’ The Sex Yoga?

It is very trying for the Moral Leader to keep dealing with dirty minds. "Kundalini" has nothing to do with sex. It is about balancing the body, mind and spirit. It is about attaching yourself to God. It’s about stretching … Continue reading

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Remembering Sidney Zion

Jason Maoz writes: Sidney Zion, who died earlier this month at age 75, didn’t start out to be a writer, and he might never have become one if not for the 1962-63 newspaper strike – the longest in the city’s … Continue reading

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