Daily Archives: August 16, 2009

Chabad Emissary Making A Difference In Tampa Bay

Tampa Bay will always have a special place in my heart because it was the first place where I met Dennis Prager in person. I had listened to him on the radio for years, corresponded with him, and even talked … Continue reading

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The Happy Minyan Comes Of Age

For the past couple of years, the Happy Minyan has an independent existence at the Karate Academy on Pico Blvd (near Rexford). Prior to this, it resided at Orthodox shuls (Beth Jacob, Mogen David) that tried to incorporate the group … Continue reading

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Embrace Your Bad Self

Friends of mine are obsessed about bad things — many of them true — said about them on the internet. This is totally understandable. Reading bad things about yourself, especially when true, feel like a knife ripping through your abdomen. … Continue reading

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