Monthly Archives: May 2009

I’ve Become A Hit On VDare! is dedicated to maintaining the United States as a majority white culture. Patrick Cleburne blogs for On Friday we carried “Jews Are Disproportionately Involved In Every Kind Of Insanity” -Stephen Steinlight. This is a selection from a very … Continue reading

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The Essence Of The Alexander Technique

I was lying down in yoga the other night watching the rest of the class crumple their lower backs by bending backwards 20 degrees. Then I watched them thrash about in all sorts of exercises that debauched their kinesthesia while … Continue reading

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Muslim Immigrants Sentenced For Plotting To Kill American Soldiers At Fort Dix

From 1. Man-Averted Disaster By Mark Krikorian CIS Blog, April 29, 2009 The five Muslim immigrants who’d plotted to kill American soldiers at Ft. Dix in New Jersey have been sentenced, four to life and one to 33 … Continue reading

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Why Aren’t Yeshiva Bocherim (Students) Working With The Homeless And Davening With Black People?

"That’s not what yeshiva students do," says historian Dr. Marc Shapiro in his second lecture on Rav Zvi Yehuda Kook for Torah in Motion. "Rav Elazar Schach was opposed to kiruv (outreach). That was the standard charedi position. The Brisker … Continue reading

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What Did Meir Kahane Accomplish In Israel?

Nothing, says rabbi historian Dr. Marc Shapiro. In his first lecture on Rav Zvi Yehuda Kook for Torah in Motion, Dr. Shapiro says: "What were R. Meir Kahane‘s accomplishments? How did he influence the state of Israel? He got his … Continue reading

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